7160 Anganwadi Worker Recruitment In Gujarat – Info

7160 Anganwadi Worker Recruitment In Gujarat

Angadwadi Recruitment 7160 sisters will be inked 2020. 


For the first time in the country, online recovery of Anganwadi workers has been started in Gujarat. Gujarat is the only state in the country to start such a in the way 




Manisha Chandra, Commissioner and Secretary of the state’s Women and Child Development Department, said that a aggregate of 7160 posts including 3155 Anganbadi workers and 4005 Teaghar women are to be signal in the advance six months in the department and metros of the state. 

Aangadvadi Bharti advertisement for the post of AWW/ AWH various District@ https//e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in Merit & Rejection List Declared 


Declared In Below sections 


Anganwadi Bharti Merit List 2020 


Patan Anganwadi Bharti 2020 Merit List 


ICDS Gujarat Anganwadi Reclamation announcement for online recovery regarding the post of Patan District Anganwadi Worker/ Helpar working by ICDS Branch District Panchayat Patan under Integrated Child Development Scheme icds in the time2020 21. 

Details of current vacancies and implicit vacancies to be filled on honorarium of Anganwadi/ Worker/ Helpar in the Anganwadi Centers of the constituents of ICDS Branch District Panchayat 


Check Your Merit List


Aanganvadi 7160 Vacancy 2020. 

This recovery will be through online gate. At current 53029 Anganwadis are stage in the state. Of these, 51229 Anganwadi workers and 51229 Teedaghar women are at work. gradationally from this, 1800 workers are employed in Mini Anganwadis. 


આ પણ વાંચો VMC 144 જગ્યા પર ભરતી જાહેરાત 2020 



 Angadwadi Recruitment 7160 

ICDS Director Ashok Sharma said that out of the total posts of 1 lakh four thousand honorary retainers, 97098 posts are pervade. 




 Online Reclamation Process. 




part of District Development Officer 



Establishment of Anganwadi 

Angadwadi bharati 7160 Jagya. 


The recovery process will be completed within 45 days of the announcement of advertisement in all the sections through online recovery process in the coming six months. Mehsana quarter has been named as a birdman design of the online recovery process. Under this, the recovery process of 111 Anganwadi workers and 131 Teedaghar women was completed. 


ANGADWADI Reclamation folder. 

Angadwadi bharati 7160 Jagya. 






How to set in For Aangadvadi Bharti In Gujarat 

First Open https//e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in/ For AAngadvadi bharti 2020 In gujarat 

also Open recovery Option In it. 

also handpick your Job and quarter 

Fill up all Detail properly and submit your operation 

Also We also put Pdf train for Aangadvadi bharti 2020 All guidelines 




















































The recovery process will be completed within 45 days of the announcement of advertisement in all the sections through online recovery process in the coming six months. Mehsana quarter has been named as a birdman design of the online recovery process. Under this, the recovery process of 111 Anganwadi workers and 131 Teedaghar women was completed.