7th Pay Commission increase in DA increased salary News Detail

New Delhi 7th Pay Commission. The central government has given very good news to millions of central employees of the country. The government has increased the Dearness Allowance (DA) of employees.

This decision of the Goverment will benefit about 50 lakh central employees and 61 lakh pensioners. Although it has not been officially confirmed, media reports have claimed that employees will start receiving salaries from January onwards with increased DA.

7th pay :- From 1st July 2021, DA of central employees will be 28% ! Find out how much the salary will increase ? The Central Government has announced DA approval for 52 lakh employees of the country.

The steps taken by the Government will increase the salaries of Central employees in the country. According to the data release, between January and June 2021, at least DA could grow by 4%. Once the DA is approved, the DA of central employees may increase from 17% to 28%, including a 3% increase in DA from January to June 2020, a 4% increase from July to December 2020 and a 4% increase from January to June 2021..

28 parentage DA News for Central Government Employers. The government has recently decided to increase the family pension by two and a half times. The limit of family pension has been increased from Rs 45,000 per month to Rs 1.25 lakh. The Department of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare has issued pension notices to the children / pensioners of deceased government employees.

Official source news in gujarat samachar Link :- Al ry3 L8. Hi aiuai 28 % DA News for Click The Family Pension Scheme 1971 provides that in case of death during the period of service of the employee, the family pension is mainly paid to the widow or widower of the employee. The government has doubled the pension. demanded by employees. It has long been

According to media reports, the dearness allowance of employees has been increased by four percent. Now the DA of employees will increase from 17% to 21%. It is worth noting that central government employees and pensioners are eagerly waiting for this official announcement of the government. In March 2020, the Union Cabinet approved the release of Dearness Allowance for employees and pensioners and an additional installment of Dearness Relief from January 1, 2020.

મોદી સરકારે કેન્દ્રીય કર્મચારીઓને આપી મોટી ગીફ્ટ, મોંઘવારી ભથ્થામાં કરાયો…ધરખમ વધારો  વાંચો ન્યુજ

Then Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said that the existing dearness allowance in basic salary/pension would be increased by 4%, but due to the Corona epidemic crisis, the allowances to employees and pensioners were banned from 1 January 2020. The government had issued a notice by the Department of Expenditure stating that the next installment of allowances from 1 July 2020 and 1 January 2021 would not be given, but then DA, DR would continue to be paid at current rates.

7th Pay Commission: DA to jump by 28%, increased salary in the account by July 1?

More than 50 lakh central government employees and over 65 lakh pensioners across India are waiting for the hike in Dearness Allowance (DA) and it is expected that they may see a DA hike of upto 28 percent from 17 percent in July.1. DA hike
According to the All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI), DA of central government employees can be increased by 4 percent. The AICPI report also mention that after the DA is reinstated, the Dearness Allowance of the central employees may increase from 17 percent to 28 percent. This includes a 3 percent increase in DA from January to June 2020, a 4 percent increase from July to December 2020, and a 4 percent increase from January to June 2021. The total DA calculation will then come to (17 + 4 + 3 + 4) 28 percent.2. Centre on DA
In March, Minister of State for Finance, Anurag Thakur, told Parliament that all Central government employees will get full benefits of DA starting July 1. He had also said that all the three pending installments will be restored prospectively.

3. Arrears of Central government employees

Any increase in DA from July 1 will only be effective from that day, which means the Central government employees are set to miss their arrears.

4. Reason behind DA freeze

The three installments of DA due on January 1, 2020, July 1, 2020 and January 1, 2021, were frozen in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a written reply to the Rajya Sabha, Thakur said: “As and when the decision to release the future installments of Dearness Allowance due from 01.07.2021 is taken, the rates of DA as effective from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 and 01.01. 2021 will be restored prospectively and will be subsumed in the cumulative revised rates effective from 01.07.2021.”

5. Salary increase

The Central government employees should keep in mind 7th CPC Fitment Factor of 2.57 while calculating the probable hike in monthly salary.


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These savings will be Rs 37,530 crores jointly in the year 2021-22 and earlier financial years on stopping the dearness allowance and installment of dearness relief of central government employees. All the state governments of the country announce dearness allowance for the employees of the state only after following the order of the Center. It is estimated that by stopping the installment of DA, DR, the state governments will save Rs 82,566 crore.


The union of employees and workers of the central government has also kept an account of the current government treasury in front of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and requested the government to now give dearness allowance to all government employees and pensioners at the current inflation rate of 28 per cent Go

The staff organization says that even in the Corona era, employees worked with full dedication. Many employees lost their lives while on duty. In such a situation, the Finance Minister should pay the outstanding dearness allowance and dearness relief to all employees and pensioners at the rate of 28 per cent from January 2020. New Delhi 7th Pay Commission. The central government has given very good news to millions of central employees of the country.

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