Covid 19 Government Latesf Guidline Declared – Info

Covid 19 Government Latesf Guidline Declared

Covid 19 Government Latesf Guidline Declared

Please refer to the guidelines for effective control of COVID-19, issued vide Ministry of Home Affairs’ (MHA) Order of even No. dated 23.03.2021, wherein it is prescribed that States and UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, may impose local restrictions at district/sub-district and city/ward level, with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19.


In the recent past, a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases has been observed along with high positivity rate. Considering this unprecedented surge, there is an urgent 2. need for States/UTs to consider strict COVID management and control measures, in the surge areas to bring the situation under control. Accordingly, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW), vide their DO no. Z.28015/85/2021-DM Cell dated 25th April 2021, has advised all States and UT Governments to implement an intensive, local and focused containment framework, focused on specific districts/ cities/ areas, and identified based on a prescribed criterion.

The containment framework has been outlined in detail in the Annexure to the said MOHFW letter (copy enclosed). All States/UTs have also been advised to consider a further graded response in accordance with local situation, requirements and resources. 3. I would, therefore, urge you to issue directions to district authorities in your State/UT, to take all necessary measures, as advised by MoHFW in their letter, for the implementation of the containment framework, so as to flatten the curve.

I would also advise that Orders issued by the respective State Governments/UT Administrations/district authorities, for imposing restrictions, should be widely disseminated to the public and to the field functionaries for their effective implementation.

The areas requiring Intensive action and local containment connotes specific and well defined headquarters/semi-urban localities/municipal wards/panchayat areas etc. geographical units such as cities/town/part of the towns/district . The areas so identified for intensive action and local containment will primarily focus on the following strategic areas of intervention: A.


Containment Focus will be on containment as a major approach to flatten the current curve of the epidemic. i. ii. Night curfew: Movement of individuals shall be strictly prohibited during night hours, except for essential activities. Local administration shall decide the duration of the night curfew hours and issue orders, in the entire area of their jurisdiction, under appropriate provisions of law, such as under Section 144 of CrPC, and ensure strict compliance. iii.


The spread of the infection has to be controlled through restricting the intermingling amongst people, the only known host for the COVID-19 virus. iv. Social/ political / sports / entertainment / academic / cultural / religious / festival- related and other gathering and congregations shall be prohibited. V. Marriages (attended by up to 50 persons) and funerals/ last rites (attended by up to 20 persons) may be allowed. vi


. All shopping complexes, cinema halls, restaurants & bars, sports complexes, gym, spas, swimming pool and religious places should remain closed.




Covid 19 Government Latesf Guidline Declared

Essential services and activities such as healthcare services, police, fire, banks, electricity, water and sanitation, regulated movement of public transport including all incidental services and activities needed for a smooth functioning of these activities shall continue. Such services shall continue in both public and private sector. Public transport (railways, metros, buses, cabs) to operate at a maximum vii. viii. capacity of 50%. There shall be no restrictions on inter-state and intra-state movement ix. including transportation of essential goods. All offices, both government and private, to function with a maximum staff X. strength of 50%. xi. All industrial and scientific establishments, both government and private may be allowed subject to the workforce following physical distancing norms.

They shall also be tested through RAT (in case of individuals identified with flu like symptoms) from time to time. xii. The SOPS already issued by MOHFW, including training manuals for surveillance teams and supervisors are available on the website & must be followed. However, these are indicative activities, and States/ UTs should make a careful analysis of the local situation, areas to be covered, and probability of transmission and then take a decisio