Trouble: Vaccination survey invalidates Aadhaar card, where people under the age of 18 get election card, proof of identity is required. – Info

Trouble: Vaccination survey invalidates Aadhaar card, where people under the age of 18 get election card, proof of identity is required.

Trouble: Vaccination survey invalidates Aadhaar card, where people under the age of 18 get election card, proof of identity is required.

Out of 34 lakh population of Banaskantha, 4.92 lakh people will be vaccinated.  However, the Aadhaar card is not currently valid for proof of identity of all people.  So health workers are sweating in collecting data.  A three-day state-wide survey has been conducted across Gujarat.  Under which data of 4.92 lakh vaccine beneficiaries will be collected in Banaskantha by next Wednesday.  All the data uploading operations are to be carried out.  However, the difficulties of the health department have increased because the health department already has the Aadhaar card available.

But in the current survey, one of the election card, PAN card, MGNREGA job card or bank passbook has been made mandatory for proof of identity.  So health workers are having difficulty in getting election cards.  All these data will be submitted sitting in each PHC of the district.  Giving details about this, District RCH Officer Dr.  Jignesh Haryani said, “The entire district health team will be used to submit the data. 10 teachers as well as health staff will carry out the work for the data of 4,000 vaccination beneficiaries in each PHC. The work will be completed by next Wednesday evening.”


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Frontline Warriors data uploaded
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