ONGC Recruitment 2020 – 4,182 Apprentice Vacancies Across India – Apply Now : Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited (Ongc), Which Is India’s Flagship Energy Major And A ‘Maharatna’ Central Public Sector Enterprise Engaged In Exploration And Production Of Oil & Gas In India And Abroad, As A Measure Of Skill Building Initiative For The Nation, Proposes To Engage Apprentices At Its Location Across 21 Work Centres. On 28/07/2020, ONGC Announced Job Notification To Hire Candidates Who Completed Any Bachelors Degree, B.A, B.B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, Diploma, Iti For The Position Of Apprentice.
Qualification Details:
Applications Are Invited From Candidates Meeting The Following Qualifications For Engagement As Apprentices Under Apprentices Act 1961 (As Amended From Time To Time) In The Trade/Disciplines Mentioned Below:
1. Posts: Apprentice
2. NORTHERN SECTOR: Dehradun: 228 , MUMBAI SECTOR: Total 764 , WESTERN SECTOR: Total 1579 , EASTERN SECTOR: Total 716 , SOUTHERN SECTOR: Total 674 , CENTRAL SECTOR: Total 221
3. Technician Apprentices (Diploma) – Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil – Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
Job Details ( Click To City Name For Open Advertisement ) :
Important Dates:
1. Issue Of Advertisement And Call For Applications 29th July 2020
2. Opening Of Online Application Portal At Www.Ongcapprentices.Ongc.Co.In 29th July 2020 11:00 Hrs
3. Last Date For Receiving Of Applications 17th August 2020 18:00 Hrs
4. Date Of Result/Selection 24th August 2020
5. Receive Confirmation From Candidates 24th August 2020 – 1 St September 2020
SELECTION Process Of ONGC Recruitment :::
Selections for engagement of Apprentices would be based on the basis of marks obtained and Merit
drawn. In case of a similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered. No
canvassing or influencing would be acceptable at any time and may render for non-consideration.
HOW TO APPLY For ONGC Recruitment 2020
Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our ONGC and apply online from 29.07.2020 11:00 HRS till17.08.2020 by 18:00 hours.
. Paper based applications will NOT be accepted.
There are two steps for Registration process. Part-I & Part-II. In Part-I registration, candidatehas to fill his/her basic details like name, category etc. and has to create his own password.After successful Part-I registration, system generated registration number is sent in hisregistered email id/SMS. With this registration number, candidate has again to login intothe system with the password generated by him. Candidates are advised to rememberregistration number and password for future reference/use.
Job Notification : Click Here
Apply Online :
For Trade Apprentices- https://Apprenticeshipindia.Org/
For Technician Apprentices: Https://Portal.Mhrdnats.Gov.In/Boat/Commonredirect/Registermenunew