Gujarat Public Service Commission’s big decision, postponing the written examination of Class I and II of GPSC
The non-reserved class and the reservation class are agitating in the Gandhinagar Satyagraha camp on the issue of LRD recruitment in Gujarat. Government is surrounded by different demands of both classes. At present the examination of Gujarat Public Service Commission has been postponed. Sarka has decided to postpone the examination of the GPSC Class I exams. The municipal chief officer class-2 examination has also been postponed. As you can tell, the GPSC Class – 1 and 2 exams were to be held on February 23, March 8 and March 15. Now the new date of the main written exam will be announced again.
According to the information received, it has been decided to postpone the written examination of Class I (GPSC), Gujarat Civil Service Class-I and Class-II and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service Class-II for Gujarat Administrative Service.
Gujarat Administrative Service Class-1 is scheduled to be held on February 23, Gujarat Civil Service Class-1 and Class-II, to be held on March 8, and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service Class-II examination will be held on March 15. Due to which the new date of the main written examination will be announced again.
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