1st Video Conference with Rao sir and BRC’s main Topic 24/7/2019
Support for recovering FITS images (Flexible Image Transport System) in “Dig Deeper” mode. FITS is the image format used in astronomy, and is endorsed by NASA and the International Astronomical Union. This type of file can contain many different types of data besides actual images, and DiskDigger can now recover all of them.
Support for recovering SER videos, which is a video format used in astronomical imaging.
Support for recovering AAX (Audible Enhanced Audio) files, which is the DRM-protected audio format used by Audible.
Support for recovering DjVu (.DJVU) documents.
Improved detection of corrupted partitions on a GUID partition table (GPT).
The highlight of VC of Hon. Rao Saheb ..
Head teachers now have to take 45 instead of 18.
All school administration work will be done online.
The administrative work will be operational from August-September.
Next month, secretaries from other states visit Gujarat state.
Technology will be maximized in education.
A video call will be made to CRCs as well as to the headteachers.