GPSC Class 1 and Class 2 final result Declared 2019 – Info

GPSC Class 1 and Class 2 final result Declared 2019

GPSC Class 1 and Class 2 final result Declared 2019
The Gujarat Public Service Commission will issue the GPSC Class 1-2 Result 2018 on its official website The GPSC has conducted the written exam for the GAS – Dy Collector, DDO, DySP, Asst Comm of State Tax, Asst. Comm Tribal Development, Dy Director Scheduled Castes, Dy Director, Developing Castes, Section Officer (Sachivalay), Tribal Development Officer, Section Officer (GPSC), Mamlatdar, State Tax Officer, Taluka Development Officer, Municipal Chief Officer, Social Welfare Officer (Dev. Cast), Govt Labour Officer, District Inspector Land Record, Asst. Director, Food and Civil Supply, Superintendent Prohibition & Excise. The GPSC Result 2018 will be available in online mode. From this article, candidates can also check the Gujarat PSC Class 1-2 Result 2018, Cut Off Marks, Merit List. Contenders have to use the hall ticket number and date of birth to view the examination result from the organization website. Go through the complete page to know the more details about GPSC Class 1-2 Result 2018, Cut Off Marks, Merit List.
Advt. No. 40/2018-19

Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Services, Class-1 and Class-2 and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2 Class-1 and Class-2
ANNEXURE ‐ I (Part‐I )
Post:‐ Gujarat Administrative Service, Class‐I, Gujarat Civil Services, Class‐I & II and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class‐II,
Advt. No. 40/2018‐19
List of Candidates to be Recommended to the Government for Appointment :
The result of the Combined Competitive Examination (Main) for the Recruitment to the posts of Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Service, Class-1 & 2 and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-II, (Advertisement No. 40/2018-19); written test held on 17th & 24th February & 3rd March, 2019 and personal interview test held during 10th to 28th June, 2019 is hereby declared as per Annexure‐I  


 GPSC Final Result Advt. No. 40/2018-19 –Download Here