Gujarat Achievement Serve [G.A.S] Exam 2019. – Info

Gujarat Achievement Serve [G.A.S] Exam 2019.

Gujarat Achievement Serve [G.A.S] Exam 2019.
27/2/ roj aakha rajya ma ek Sathe G.A.S. 2019 testStd.4- 6- 7 ma levama aavse.Pasand thayeli shalaoma j .
National Achievement Survey Type GAS

The National Achievement Survey (NAS) Type [GAS] was conducted throughout the country on November 13, 2017 for Classes 3, 5 and 8 in government and government aided schools. The survey tools used multiple test booklets with 45 questions in Classes III and V and 60 questions in Class VIII in Mathematics, Language, Environmental Sciences, Sciences and Social Sciences.
Paripatra click here to download
School list STD 4 click here
Std 6 click here
STD 7 click here
Gas Exam full information click here