“I’ve been doing film reviews for twenty-five years, but I still feel like I’m not ready enough to write a film review and I still have to learn a lot.”

The name Anupama Chopra is not at all familiar to film lovers. His videos on Aflatoon YouTube channel called ‘Film Companion’ were viewed with great interest not only by the audience but also by people in the film industry. Anupama Chopra has been working as a film journalist for more than three decades. She has been successful in all three ways of communication, printing, TV and digital. He is the director of the Mumbai Film Festival. This year’s Mumbai Film Festival, which started peacefully two days ago, is expected to end on November 12. At the event, Anupama Chopra spoke about her experience as a film journalist in an interview.

When I started my career in the late 1980s, filmmakers had to go to Filmcity Studios (Mumbai),” said Anupama Chopra, “and move from one set to another. This was before the advent of the cell phone. In those days, the Stars did not have a manager or an agent, but a secretary. Call him and ask, “Where is Jackidada?” … “Where is Bachchansaab?” The secretary should go to the studio according to any information he provides.


These days, social media agencies send journalists with the rhythm of the film on WhatsApp, but there were no easy shortcuts before. “You have to wear sandals to get the story,” Anupama said. Fall. There was no research internet so we have a repository called The Center for Education and Documentation behind Regal Cinema, we go there. There are dozens of older magazines and magazines worldwide. Get the information you need by changing it. In short, the film journalist had to meet people and find the story directly from the source. ‘


Anupama Chopra went to America after graduating from college and did a one-year journalism course. He then worked for one year at Harper’s Bazaar magazine in the United States. He then returned to India and worked for a Sunday magazine for a year. His writing has caught the eye of the management of India Today. He called Anupama to meet Chopra.

“No Hollywood or journalists have taken it seriously in the 1980s. I was interviewed by Arun Puri and Shekhar Gupta. I have a habit of laughing a lot. Arun Puri and Shekhar Gupta are both influential editors, but who knows? Arun Puri says, ‘Shekhar, this girl only grinds her teeth.’ Shekhar says, ‘It doesn’t matter. Where he has to assemble Parliament in Delhi, he has to write only about films. It will work!’ from Anupama Chopra’s work. She worked for India Today for 12 years. Instead of filming here, she also started writing film reviews in one and a half to three hundred words. What are the best film reviews? Listen to Anupama Chopra’s response:

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