Alert / If you have Indane LPG cylinder, know the booking number has changed
You have Indane LPG cylinder, know the booking number has changed
If you use mobile number for domestic LPG refill then this news is useful for you. If you are a customer of Inden, you cannot book a gas cylinder on your old number. Inden has sent a new number to its registered number for its customers. At this number you can book a cylinder for refilling gas. There are 4 ways you can book a gas cylinder.
you are a customer of Inden, you can book gas by calling your new number 7718955555.
Another way is WhatsApp. Type REFILL on your WhatsApp Messenger and send it to 7588888824, making sure your WhatsApp number is on your registered number.
Alert / If you have Indane LPG cylinder, know the booking number has changed
If you use mobile number for domestic LPG refill then this news is useful for you. If you are a customer of Inden, you cannot book a gas cylinder on your old number. Inden has sent a new number to its registered number for its customers. At this number you can book a cylinder for refilling gas. There are 4 ways you can book a gas cylinder.
Know that the booking number of the gas cylinder has changed
Inden Company changed the booking number
Messaged new number to customers
Here are 4 ways to book a gas cylinder
First go to the distributor
By calling another phone number
Third online
On the fourth company’s WhatsApp number