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What to do after 10th? Career Options after SSC
Have you just completed your 10th standard (SSC)? You may be confu$ed about deciding a right career path. You might have many question$ in mind like What should I do after 10th? , Which stream should I select? Science , Commerce or Arts?, Which is a better field? Selectingthe proper course after class X is extremely important as this may have a crucial impact on what is going to you become in future.
Have you just completed your 10th standard (SSC)? You may be confu$ed about deciding a right career path. You might have many question$ in mind like What should I do after 10th? , Which stream should I select? Science , Commerce or Arts?, Which is a better field? Selecting
What Afer SSC Science or Commerce or Arts?
A good option after 10th is $tudying +2 or HSC. It can help to secure a robust foundation for further studies like graduation and post graduation. The selection of the streams for 11th and 12th standard (HSC) depends upon the scholars aptitude but the foremost important factor is one’s interest within the subject and therefore the purpose for selecting the course.
Whether to settle on science, commerce or arts stream is that the most difficult thing to make a decision for college kids . Lets make it simple. Choose a field in which you have passion. Remember, no field is best or superior than other. It just depends on what you like to do.
If you decide on Science stream, you’ve got further 3 more options for choosing the themes . You can $elect Maths or Biology from the optional subject. Some students choose both Mathematics and Science subjects. If you would like to become engineer then select Maths and if you would like to travel in medical field then select Biology.

Rather than going for HSC (10 +2 years), you’ll pick Diploma designing after standard 10. A few fields that you can choose in recognition are Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication, Computer innovation, Information innovation, Information and Control Engineering, Power Engineering, Mechatronics, Hotel Management and Cattering innovation, Plastic building, Fabrication Technology, Chemical Engineering, Printing Technology, Ceramic Technology, Architecture Assistant-transport, Automobile Engineering, Metallurgy, Textile Manufacturing, Textile Processing, Mining Engineering and so on. You will for the most part got the opportunity to give a passage test to encourage affirmation. By and large the Central confirmation entrance advisory board takes the test.
Manage Your Career
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Students may choose adegree publicly history in conjunction with the MA in history or as an outdoorfield for the PhD. the general public history concentration for the MA requires9 hours of core course work, 9 hours of required course work, plus researchseminars and elective courses.
A two-courseseminar-practicum series is taken within the first year of study (6 hours). Thegraduate seminar gives students a historical and theoretical context for his orher work and covers a number of the dominant paradigms within the field ofpublic history. The graduate practicum meets during a seminar format and buildsprofessional knowledge and skills in governance, development and grant writing,public outreach, and various interpretive tools. This course requires studentsto finish class projects at public institutions.
Other required coursesexpand skills students got to be knowledgeable historian, teach thehistoriography of certain eras, provide experience with tools of research, andper8mit students to make their own schedule consistent with their interests andwhat they need to pursue.
All public historystudents must complete a minimum of one internship as a part of their degree.Please see our Internships page for instructions and check myAU for necessaryforms.
While the Washington, DCarea has a huge amount of job and internship opportunities, current andincoming public history students might consider seeking employment at AU. AU’sHuman Resources department has created a Student Jobs Portal.
This book contain tens of articles for career guidance i.e. Career in Public Service Sector, Journalism,IISC, Courses in Cyber Security, Event Management, Education Loan, Courses in various universities, IGNOU Courses etc…