Dahod Jilla Aanganvadi Bharti 62 POSTS 2020 at https://e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in/ – Info

Dahod Jilla Aanganvadi Bharti 62 POSTS 2020 at https://e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in/

Dahod Jilla Aanganvadi Bharti 62 POSTS 2020 at https://e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in/

Dahod Jilla Aanganvadi Bharti 62 POSTS 2020

For online recruitment of Anganwadi worker / Tedagar posts of Anand district working by ICDS branch, District Panchayat Dahod under Advertising and Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).

The woman candidate who should be a local resident of the Anganwadi Center area and the prescribed specimen certificate of the Jan Seva Kendra issued by the Mamlatdar in this regard will be valid.
The last date to apply will be considered the cut-off date. Criteria for age, educational qualification and other prescribed qualifications of the applicant should have been completed by the last date of application.

Age of the female applicant applying for selection in the honorary service of Anganwadi worker / Tedagar to apply! The last date should be 18 years and not more than 3 years. The age of Tedagar who applied for selection in honorary service as Anganwadi worker on priority basis should not be more than 3 years at the last date of application.

The application form has to be filled in English by reading the instructions and rules given on the website https://e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in.

To apply for Anganwadi opportunities one needs to choose the Anganwadi Center and apply for Anganwadi Worker/Tedagar. An online legitimacy rundown of applicants with capability, age and instructive capability according to general conditions will be set up for determination in the privileged help of Anganwadi Worker/Tedagar.

The instructive capability of Anganwadi laborer and Anganwadi Tedagar is Std. 12 pass and Std. 10 pass separately. Anyway a more qualified competitor will have the option to apply. Legitimacy rundown will be set up as indicated by the heaviness of instructive capability and imprints acquired, to fill the opportunity! The online legitimacy rundown of the Anganwadi Center viable will be made open after the endorsed methodology, application system and rules are accessible on the above site.

For more data contact the concerned Taluka Child Development Planning Officer (ICDS) of Dahod District, Taluka Panchayat Office.

Post Name : Anganwadi Worker, Anganwadi Helper
Qualification : SSC Pass, HSC Pass
Age Limit : 18 to 33 Years
Selection Process : Base on Merit.
Important Dates for Dahod dist Aanganvadi bharti ::

Start Online Apply::: 24-8-2020
Last date for online apply:: 13-9-2020

How to Apply For Aangadvadi Bharti In Gujarat Official notification 2020:

Step 1 First Open https://e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in/ For AAngadvadi bharti 2020 In gujarat

step 2 Then Open Recruitment Option In it.

step 3 then Select your Job and district Dahod

  • Submit  all Detail properly your application

Official Notification – Click Here

Online Application Form – Click Here

More Anganwadi Recruitment 2020

Apply through Online, Follow these steps.

Visit the State Govt of Gujarat, Women and Children Development Society official website.

Send the application form at the given address.

Start Date for Submission of Application is mentioned in the notification.

End of  Date for Submission of Application will be mentioned in the official update.

Get more information about e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in Anganwadi Recruitment 2020 from official website.