Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna – Info

Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna

Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna

The state from the auspicious day of 9th January 19th. The main objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to the heirs in case of accidental death or permanent disability of the account holder farmer. This scheme is a 100% state government assistance scheme. Under this scheme, the insurance premium is paid by the state government on behalf of all the account holders of the state.

A scheme to provide financial protection to the farmer’s account holder by giving him the benefit of insurance is currently under the Gujarat Collective Group (Janata Accident Insurance Scheme). Implemented through the Director of Insurance from 01/04/2009.Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna
In addition to the account holder farmer, the first surviving heir (son/daughter) of the account holder farmer has been included in the account holder farmer accident insurance scheme from 01/7/2017 by the state government. Conditions for availing the benefit of the scheme
The deceased or permanently disabled person should have held land in his name in a joint or individual name.

Death or permanent disability must be present due to an accident.
Cases of natural death and suicide are not covered under the scheme.
In the case of an heir, the deceased account holder should be the first surviving heir (son/daughter) of the farmerThe benefit of the scheme

In this scheme, in case of death of the account holder farmer, the benefit will be given to the heir of the deceased account holder farmer and if the account holder farmer becomes disabled, the benefit will be given to the account holder farmer in the following details.In the case of death / permanent, complete disability due to accident Rs. 1,00,000 / –
In case of loss of two eyes or two limbs or arms/legs due to an accident, Rs. Rs.
In case of loss of one eye and one limb due to accident, Rs. 1,00,000 / –
In case of loss of one eye or one limb due to accident, Rs. 50,000 / –
The following persons will be the heirs of the beneficiaries under this insurance scheme in the following order.

The Agriculture Minister said that under the Pradhan Mantri Pak Vima Yojana, the Central Government and the State Government are currently contributing 50-50 percent of the premium. But the government has taken a big step for farmers in the North East. Here 90 percent contribution in crop insurance premium will be from the center and 10 percent from the state. Also, 3% of the plan amount will be on administrative arrangements. An official of the bank said that till now farmers who used farmer credit cards were required to get crop insurance for some crops. But now after this decision of the government, it will not be mandatory for farmers to get crop insurance.

He may or may not insure the crop if he wants to. This decision will be theirs voluntary. Govt approves Rs 4,558 crore plan for dairy sector The government on Wednesday approved a Rs 4,558 crore plan to boost the dairy sector. It will benefit about 95 lakh farmers. The decision was taken by the cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar told reporters. He said it would add a new dimension to the dairy revolution in the country. He also said that the Cabinet also approved a proposal to increase the benefit in the interest subsidy scheme from two percent to two and a half percent. Javadekar said the government has taken this decision in the interest of the farming community.

With the revised resolution dated 13/11/2018 of the Agriculture, Farmer Welfare and Co-operation Department, increases of assistance in farmer accidental insurance scheme, coverage of any child instead of first survive child and coverage of registered farmer as per revenue record at the time of the accident or permanent disability are included in this scheme.The Government of Gujarat has started the Accountant Farmer Accidental Death / Permanent Disability Assistance Scheme for the benefit of the farmers

The minister said the Pradhan Mantri Pak Vima Yojana has been made voluntary. Highlighting the achievements of the scheme, which approved an insurance claim of Rs 60,000 crore, Tomar said that 30 percent of the arable sector has been included in the insurance program. The minister said insurance claims of Rs 60,000 crore have been accepted while premiums of Rs 13,000 crore have been collected.

Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna
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Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima YojnaFarmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna
Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme Khedut accident Vima Yojna: The government on Wednesday approved major changes to the Pradhan Mantri Pak Vima Yojana. Overcoming the shortcomings of the scheme has now made it voluntary for farmers. Under this crop insurance scheme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in February 2016, farmers needed to take this insurance cover. Yojana all the latest updates for more detail. At present, 58 percent of the total farmers are going to take loans. Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said the Union Cabinet has approved several changes in the PMFBI program. Because the organization and the state expressed concerns about it.