Fitbit users may need Google accounts to login in 2023

Fitbit druggies may need Google accounts to login in 2023 


San Francisco Google- possessed wearable brand Fitbit is planning to make Google Accounts obligatory on new Fitbit bias from coming time. 

According to Fitbit, Google won’t use Fitbit health and heartiness data for Google Advertisements. 

“After we launch Google accounts on Fitbit in 2023, some uses of Fitbit will bear a Google account, counting to subscribe up for Fitbit or spark recently released Fitbit bias and features, “ the wearable brand said on a support runner. 

Still, after the launch of Google accounts on Fitbit, you ’ll have the option to move Fitbit to your Google account or to continue to use your being Fitbit bias and services with your Fitbit account for as long as it’s supported, “ If you have a Fitbit account. 

The company said Google accounts on Fitbit will support several benefits for Fitbit druggies, including a single login for Fitbit and other Google services, regard security, centralised sequestration controls for Fitbit stoner data, and further features from Google on Fitbit. 

After the launch of Google accounts on Fitbit, if you want to move from your Fitbit account to your Google account, you’ll need to assent to transfer your Fitbit stoner data from Fitbit to Google. 

Once you finished the move, you’ll log into Fitbit with your Google account and no longer with your Fitbit account. 

Google will also give you with Fitbit under Google’s Terms of Service, sequestration Policy, and binding commitments for Fitbit.

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