Get A Old Land Record In Just Minutes @anyror gujarat gov in

Get A Old Land note In Just glitter@anyror gujarat gov in 



Get A Old Land Record In Justtwinkles@anyror gujarat gov in Any ROR Gujarat or Any Records of Rights Anywhere in Gujarat is a software working designed to help any citizen of 

Gujarat by furnishing details pertaining to land note. The primary ideal of this online gate is to give you access( only if you are a citizen of Gujarat) to your land details, 

land owner’s name, and more, through7/ 12 Utara — an extract of the land register or records maintained by the governments of Maharashtra and Gujarat.                                                                     


Any ROR is the online website that will have the Land put down available anywhere. National Informatics Center enlarge the software method with the Revenue Department of Gujarat. officers regularly contemporize land note of the state in the online web gate. Any ROR documents show the complete details about the land ability, check number of pastoral and communal areas of the country. These documents will help in the land deals activity. As this is the online working, you can check details from anywhere work the document information. 



start by the Revenue Department of NIC( National Informatics Centre), the software covers 26 sector and 225 talukas of the state of Gujarat. 


Conditions of AnyROR Record 

1. The ROR land details used for multitudinous purposes they are like 

2. Check power of land 

3. It’s an important document during the registration 

4. ROR is tired to get loans from the bank 

5. Land records are helpful to corroborate the owner during land trade 

6. Division of nation among the family member 


Types Of Any ROR Anywhere 7/ 12 


There are four types of AnyROR which are available and also are the kinds of AnyROR7/ 12 

VF7 Village Form 7, too  called as7/ 12 or Satbara Utara form. We get the land details like capacity of land, boja, and other details from VF7 form. 









VF 8A village Form 8A restrain the Khata Details. It has complete details around the Khata Number and owner details. 

VF6 Village Form 6 is the note taken care by Talati or Village Accountant to integrate day to day changes in land note. With this, you can check- up any changes in the details. 

135D 135 D is a mutation note that is prepared by Talati when we apply for the mutation. It’s given to Khatedars worried parties and any other for any exceptions. 


Any RoR Android App is the only officer website for checking and downloading RoR.7/ 12 Utara, Form 8A etc in the Gujarat State. Do not used other websites or mobile apps with similar names. 


Important link




profit of Any ROR Gujarat Land note

multitudinous benefits will help the squatters in their registration process. 

1. AnyROR will drop the chance of false registration 

2. No want to visit the services for the land note every time 

3. All the land notes are present  in the online gate 

4. obtain the details with simple details. 

5. Survey number, land type, deals, crop details are obtainable. 


What’ sE- Dhara 


E-Dhara is the government office location at every Taluka Mamlatdar office. It support the land managing of the state. The system has the motorized ROR account that contain of 

· Digitalized ROR from the allow counter in Taluka Office 

· entering mutation operation online and contemporize them directly. 


How To Get dinkum


Computerized Copy Gujarat Land Record 


1. To get the computerized dupe of VF7/ 12/ VF 8A or VF 6, you need to follow the way as reality below part.

First, visit the neareste- Dhara Kendra present at the original Taluka Mamlatdar office. 

3. also, request for the ROR print and you should have check number, owner name, Khata Number. 

4. The office will confirm your details and give the print of7/ 12 or 8 A village form. 

5. You need to pay the chow of 15 Rupees to the official for the ROR form. 

sections of which support AnyRoR 

  તમામ જીલ્લા ના જુના રેકોર્ડ જોવા આપના જીલ્લા પર ક્લિક કરવુ










Devbhoomi Dwarka





Gir Somnath

















Chhota Udaipur


What’ sE- Dhara??? 


E-dhara is a land Record Management System. This system handed allocation of motorized RoR- Dhara system communicate of, 

allowance bof motorized RoR from faithful counter in Taluka office. 

entering mutation operation recovering it in online mode was imaged to be in place immediate. 

Click on “ View Land Record ” to examination RoR( Records of Rights). 



significance of Gujarat Records of Rights 

1. Protects the rights of the holder of the land 

2. help to get a loan from a bank 

3. Court demands land records substantiation in case any disagreement arises 

4. A pukka dupe of records of rights save you from illegal land elevation or grabbing 


Uses of Gujarat Records of Rights 


1. Can be used to inspect the power of the land 

2. Can be used to get access to details obtain to the land 

3. factory as a vital document during the land trade 

4. Can be used by farmers as a document while acquire a loan from the bank 

5. During the land trade, the land records can be used by the customer can confirm or check the profit 


records of the land between land note

How to check-up Land history Survey No Urban 



1. Visit the website of Anymore Gujarat in the cyber surfer. 

2. Click on View Land notes- Urban from the home runner of the point. 

3. handpick from the options according to the order of the details current on the website. 

4. select the District, and City Survey Office form drop list given in the text space on the runner. 

5. Also,  go in for the ward, check No, distance No from the list. All this information is current on the website. 

6. Enter the text given in the pusillanimous background in the text space for the security purpose. 

7. Tap on “ Get Detail ” button on the runner that will performance the results on the runner.

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