Gujarat Public Service Commission Nayab mamlatdar Prelims Exam Date 2018. Screening Test Admit card publishing date for Gujarat Nayab Mamlatdar recruitment exam 2018. GPSC Deputy Section Officer Hall Ticket Download link name & roll number wise.
Exam Date for Gujarat DY SO Prelims has been decided as 16th December 2018. You need to scroll down the following sections to get all the updates. Read the entire description to acquire important and useful data about the GPSC Deputy Section Officer Call Latter 2018. The Gujarat Public Service Commission will shortly disclose the GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar, Admit Card. The individuals who have registered themselves for this recruitment in the correct way will be able to fetch the call letter. To access the Call Latter, the competitors need to visit the office’s website i.e.
Download GPSC DYSO Admit Card 2018 Name Wise
Most of the candidates wish to download their Admit card just before the exam. In the last moment, you can come across many complicated problems due to heavy traffic. As early as possible download the Call Latter to get rid of such situations. Additionally, after getting the Hall Ticket, cross-check the details drafted on it. Know the exam date, venue of the test, reporting time and more info. In case of any discrepancy on the printed details inform it to the higher authorities to make it correct before the exam.
Here is a wonderful opportunity for those candidates who want to get a government job. The Gujarat Public Service Commission has been alerted a recruitment notification from its official’s website. According to that notice, there are a number of 490 vacancies including the posts of Deputy Section Officer, Deputy Mamlatdar Officer & Others posts. To fill these vacancies the authority was seeking online applications from the interested individuals. The applications process for GPSC Deputy Mamlatdar has been completed on 1 October 2018.
Gujarat Deputy Mamlatdar Hall Ticket Publishing Date
At first the written exam will be conducted by the Public Service Commission of Gujarat. Later those who will qualify in the prelims, will be called for main exam. Schedule for both the exams has been provided which we have enclosed below. However, the authority has not released yet the GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Call Letter publishing date online. So, keep a track of this page as well as the official portal in order to know the exact date when the admit card downloading will start.
How To Download GPSC Deputy Section Officer Admit Card 2018?
Refer the following procedure to get GPSC Deputy Section Officer Admit Card 2018 instead of struggling over the internet. They are in the following fashion
Primarily, visit the official portal of Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC), i.e.,
Find the desired link to download Gujarat PSC Deputy Mamlatdar Hall Ticket 2018 on the home page.
Later, click on that link.
Fill the required information like Registration Number, Password during the time of Login.
Cross Check the details entered and then click on the Submit Button.
A new page will open including GPSC Deputy Section Officer Admit Card 2018.
Finally, take a hard copy of GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Admit Card 2018, preserve it for future usage.