Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited has published an notification for below mentioned Posts, You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given blow.
Post Name :
Additional General Manager (Civil)
Joint General Manager (Civil)
Sr. Deputy General Manager (Civil)
Deputy General Manager (Civil-Safety)
Deputy General Manager (MMI)
Manager (Civil)
Manager (Architect)
Manager (Multi Modal Integration)
Educational Qualification :
Please read Official Notification for educational qualification
Selection Process :
Applicants should fill up the required information online only on our Company website through the link under “APPLY ONLINE” along with necessary attachments in a merged single PDF file containing CV, payslips & testimonials etc., on or before 20th August, 2021.
Any candidate found guilty of impersonation or submitting fabricated documents or making statements, which are false, incorrect or indulging in suppression of facts, attempts to use unfair means for the purpose of recruitment, will be liable for rejection.
The candidate shall have to indicate his/her acceptance to the offer within three working days from the receipt of offer, if not; next candidate in order of merit will be offered the appointment on similar lines. However, the Competent Authority may grant such extension of time depending upon the exigencies, if so requested.
How to Apply ? :
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official website.
Important Date :
➢Starting Date of Apply Online : 21-07-2021
➢Last Date to Apply Online : 20-08-2021
Important Links :
👉Advertisement : Click Here
👉 Apply Online : Click Here
Call letters for interview will be issued to shortlisted applicants indicating Time, Date and Venue of the Interview.