Gujarat Police 1382 PSI Post Bharati 2021. – Info

Gujarat Police 1382 PSI Post Bharati 2021.

Gujarat Police 1382 Post Bharati 

The long awaited recruitment of Police Sub Inspector (PSI) cadre has been announced.  An official notification in this regard has also been issued by the government.  This was officially announced by Development Assistance.  Gujarat Police Recruitment Board has announced the recruitment of female and male police sub-inspectors.  This recruitment has been issued for a total of 1382 posts.  Which has 202 posts of unarmed police sub-inspectors.  There are 98 posts for non-armed police sub-inspector (female).  72 posts of Armed Police Sub-Inspector (Male), Intelligence Officer (Male) 18, Intelligence Officer (Female) 9, Non-Armed Assistant Sub-Inspector (Male) 659, Non-Armed Assistant Sub-Inspector (Female) 324 Thus a total of 1382 posts have been announced.  Has been.

It may be mentioned here that information was given about government recruitments especially to make the youth happy.  Government recruitment has become one of the biggest issues in the state at present when the government announced a very large recruitment in the police department.  A provision of Rs 7503 crore has been made for the Home Department.  11 thousand new places will be created to maintain law and order.

Gujarat Police Department 1382 Recruitment 1382 post announcements in the state police department, Applications have been invited to fill the vacancies through direct recruitment

Gujarat Police PSI Recruitment 2021 Online: – The OJAS Police Recruitment Board, Gujarat is going to organize Police Bharti 2021. Eligible and Interested candidates of Gujarat State can OJAS Apply for Upcoming Gujarat Police Recruitment 2021 OJAS Gujarat application Form via online mode on its official website. Many numbers of OJAS Gujarat applicants are looking for Gujarat Police Bharti 2021.

Gujarat Police 2021 Highlights

Highlights for the Gujarat Police Recruitment 2021 are given below.

Exam NameGujarat Police Recruitment 2021

Organization Name Gujarat Police Department

Commonly notified Post Non-armed police sub-inspector, Assistant Intelligence Officer, Armed Police Sub-Inspector, Non-armed Assistant Police Sub-Inspector, Intelligence Officer, S.R.P. Constable, Unarmed police constable, Prison sepoy, and S.R.P. Constable.

Vacancies Around 1382 Vacancies (Expecting vacancies of Constables and Sub-Inspector).

Mode of application Online.

Application Fees Around INR 100 for OBC and General Candidates.

Nil for SC, ST, Women, Ex-servicemen, and EWS Candidates.

Mode of Exam Offline.

Selection Process

Physical Standard Test (PST).

Written Test (Mostly offline).

Endurance Test.

Physical Measurement Test (PMT).

Physical Efficiency Test (PET).

Medical Test.

Document Verification.


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