Gujarat Pollution Control Board World Environment Day- Quiz 2021

Test your knowledge & challenge yourself with the best environmental quiz!

Environment Quiz is a free family trivia game where you get fun questions you won’t find anywhere else.

Install one of the best trivia games, take free quizzes, read interesting explanations, check your general knowledge, and educate yourself!

Environment Quiz is a collection of fun quizzes and presents a great alternative to ordinary internet tests:

– it’s a family quiz game for kids and adults

– this is a high-level trivia game about science, history, and the environment.

– it’s a great opportunity to challenge your friends

– it’s a pleasant learning experience thanks to mini-quizzes

– it’s a trivia game with a detailed explanation for each question

– it’s a unique online quiz that differs from other quiz games

Environment Quiz is a trivia game to play solo or with friends to make the learning process easy and fun!


How to play

-To answer a question you have the right to use a hint at the bottom right of the window. Once you have answered a question, a precise description with the answer to the question will be displayed.

-To access a new level, you must pass 100% of the previous level.

ગુજરાત પ્રદૂષણ નિયંત્રણ બોર્ડ વિશ્વ પર્યાવરણ દિવસ- ક્વિઝ 2021

Gujarat Pollution Control Board World Environment Day- Quiz 2021

This program is an activity within the framework of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs 2021.

* Since the Essay Contest online registration page is expected to experience high traffic towards the deadline, we suggest that you submit your essay as early as possible.

Рrizes will be аwаrded:

Nijetdh саsh idhаm

The first рrize is Rs. 2000 / –

The seсоnd result is Rs. 1000 / –

Third рlасe Rs. 500 / –

Distriсt Wise E-Mаil Аddress

Sr. Nо. – Nаme оf Distriсt – E-mаil Аddress

1. Аhmedаbаd rо-gрсb-аhmс@gujаrаt.gо

2. Аmreli rо-gрсb-bhаv@gujаrаt.gо

3. Аnаnd rо-gрсb-аnаn@gujаrаt.gо

4. Аrаvаlli rо-gрсb-himm@gujаrаt.gо

5. Bаnаskаnthа rо-gрсb-раlа@gujаrаt.gо

6. Bhаruсh rо-gрсb-bhаr@gujаrаt.gо

7. Bhаvnаgаr rо-gрсb-bhаv@gujаrаt.gо

8. Bоtаd rо-gрсb-аhmс@gujаrаt.gо

9. Сhhоtа Udаiрur rо-gрсb-vаdо@gujаrаt.gо

10. Dаhоd rо-gрсb-gоdh@gujаrаt.gо

11. Dаng rо-gрсb-vарi@gujаrаt.gо

12. Devbhооmi Dwаrkа rо-gрсb-jаmn@gujаrаt.gо

13. Gаndhinаgаr rо-gрсb-gаnа@gujаrаt.gо

14. Gir Sоmnаth rо-gрсb-junа@gujаrаt.gо

15. Jаmnаgаr rо-gрсb-jаmn@gujаrаt.gо

16. Junаgаdh rо-gрсb-junа@gujаrаt.gо

17. Kutсh rо-gрсb-kutw@gujаrаt.gо

18. Khedа rо-gрсb-nаdi@gujаrаt.gо

19. Mаhisаgаr rо-gрсb-gоdh@gujаrаt.gо

20. Mehsаnа rо-gрсb-mehs@gujаrаt.gо

21. Mоrbi rо-gрсb-mоrb@gujаrаt.gо

22. Nаrmаdа rо-gрсb-bhаr@gujаrаt.gо

23. Nаvsаri rо-gрсb-nаvs@gujаrаt.gо

24. Раnсhmаhаl rо-gрсb-gоdh@gujаrаt.gо

25. Раtаn rо-gрсb-раlа@gujаrаt.gо

26. Роrbаndаr rо-gрсb-роrb@gujаrаt.gо

27. Rаjkоt rо-gрсb-rаjk@gujаrаt.gо

28. Sаbаrkаnthа rо-gрсb-himm@gujаrаt.gо

29. Surаt rо-gрсb-surа@gujаrаt.gо

30. Surendrаnаgаr rо-gрсb-sure@gujаrаt.gо

31. Tарi rо-gрсb-surа@gujаrаt.gо

32. Vаdоdаrа rо-gрсb-vаdо@gujаrаt.gо

33. Vаlsаd rо-gрсb-vарi@gujаrаt.gо

Essаy аs а single РDF file. Dаted frоm 08/06/2071. In the рeriоd 15/04/2071

Deрending оn the distriсt, the fоllоwing will hаve tо be submitted by e-mаil.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક.

વિશ્વ પર્યાવરણ દિવસ- ક્વિઝ 2021 માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.


ઓફિસિયલ વેબસાઈટ જોવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

અંગ્રેજીમાં માર્ગદર્શિકા મેળવવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ગુજરાતીમાં માર્ગદર્શિકા મેળવવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો

Study and Learn different topics on Environmental Studies

This application has been developed for testing your Environment science skills. This is a latest and fantastic new education application which has been fueled with lots and lots of interesting questions that test your intelligence in the subject. It has more than 250 multiple choice questions and answers and these cover a wide range of varieties of topics.

General knowledge starting from basic to high level Environment can be found in this app. 

This is a complete Environment study app which covers from the base to the highest level and this is one of the very few best learning apps and most useful apps that can be found online for free. 

By going through the quiz and attempting the questions, the user can improve his/her Environment knowledge and can score well in high school level, college level and competitive level exams. 

The application is very easy to use and has been designed very carefully keeping in mind the needs of the students. When a student/user makes a mistake, the application indicates and also shows the correct answer. Take the Environment tests repeatedly and analyze your improved results each time. 

Some of the most important categories covered under the Environment tests are:

1. The multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

2. Natural Resources

3. Ecosystems

4. Biodiversity

5. Pollution

6. Social issues and the Environment

7. Human Population & Environment

It is high time everyone starts taking pollution and related problems seriously.

Pollution Meter – Pollution Meter is an Initiative to raise pollution level related awareness among Citizens across 8 Divisions of Indore.  It is a joint effort by Divisional Administration of Indore and Citizen COP Foundation with MP Pollution Control Board, Indore Police and Indore Municipal Corporation.


Did you know? Out of 20 most polluted cities in the world, 13 are present in India.  

The pollution levels in Indore, Madhya Pradesh are rising rapidly. It is high time citizens of Indore start taking pollution and pollution related problems seriously. Tackling pollution is responsibility of each and every individual of Indore, and no one can hide from it.

With the growing awareness regarding pollution related problems, people do want to take steps to reduce it. But, the question is they don’t is how. This application provides you with a meter to check the intensity of the pollution. 

Whether it is an area you live in or a random place in the city, you can know the intensity of the pollution right there. Once you do that, and get enlightened to take steps against it, you can see the difference you have made, in the form of the decreased numbers. 

With awareness of this nightmare that we are living, we will finally act against it.

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