High Court Of Gujarat Telegram Channel: High Court Of Gujarat Telegram Channel @t.me/GujaratHighCourtTelegram Channel of High Court of Gujarat to provide Circulars, Notices, Press Releases, Complete Cause lists, Misc. Notifications etc. Based on the vision, guidance and directions of Honorable the Chief Justice of High Court of Gujarat, Mr. Justice Vikram Nath, with the objective of furthering the ease and convenience for the Ld. Advocates, litigants and all the stakeholders, an additional platform for information dissemination i.e. an official Telegram Channel of the High Court, is being started.
The channel can be joined by through the following invite link: https://t.me/GujaratHighCourt Updates like Daily Notices, Circulars, Press Releases, YouTube Live Streaming Links, Complete Cause lists, Miscellaneous.
Notifications and other important updates being uploaded on the website of the High Court will also be simultaneously shared on this Telegram Channel, starting from 1st March, 2021.
By way of this additional mode of providing updates, the channelsubscribers will be able to keep themselves updated with latestinformation without having to frequently check the website for thesame.
This would also take care of the situations when for any reasons, the the aforesaid updates on the website are inaccessible. As further desired by His Lordship, in due course of time, more services through Telegram platform may be initiated like advocate wise cause lists, case status, orders, judgments and other case related
Gujarat High Court’s new attempt after online live court streaming on YouTube
High Court circulars, press releases, notifications and important updates which are available on the website will be available on the Telegram channel.
An innovative start will be made from March 1
Note: Provide this important information to everyone so that people are now aware of the court proceedings.
Gujarat High Court’s new attempt after online live court streaming on YouTube High Court circulars, press releases, notifications and important updates which are available on the website will be available on the Telegram channel. An innovative start will be made from March 1
Important Link
Note: Provide this important information to everyone so that people are now aware of court proceedings.