Keep Your Bank Account Safe With This Tips – Info

Keep Your Bank Account Safe With This Tips

Keep Your Bank Account Safe With This Tips
  • Keep Your Bank Account Safe With This Tips:As the number of digital payments is increasing, cases of embezzlement of money from the bank account are also increasing. In this era of technology, efforts are made to secure money transactions through OTP, but fraudsters use a technique in which the holder does not get an OTP and withdraws money from his account. You will find information about how to avoid this kind of fraud today.
  • Bank accounts without OTP May be empty,Learn how to avoid fraud:
  • If the debit card is lost or stolen and it comes in the hands of the wrong person, it can easily swap your account. While doing this, the OTP will not be included in your registered number. The reason for this is also the internet.
  • In the present time, many websites are active in which the user can shop without OTP. You only have to pay a debit card number and a CVV number on this website. To do so, money is cut off from your account.People who make online fraud can use the information provided on this website. If you are shopping in this way then now make sure your account is safe with these tips.
  • Keep Your Bank Account Safe With This Tips:
  • To avoid fraud, first turn it on if the International Transaction is active on debit or credit card. This can be done only by calling the customer care number of the bank. If the card is lost, immediately report it to the bank and close all kinds of transactions. This work can also be done easily online.