Kishan Parivahan Yojna Gujarat 2021
The fundamental target of Mukhyamantri Kisan Parivahan Yojana in Gujarat is to empower ranchers to offer their agrarian produce to different spots. This plan will understand the PM Modi’s vision of Doubling Farmers Income by 2022.
Gujarat government has begun Kisan Parivahan Yojana 2020-21 for ranchers. Under this plan, govt. will give grant of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000 for acquiring light burden bearing vehicle. Ranchers may before long have the option to apply online by filling Gujarat Kisan Parivahan Yojana 2020-21 online application/enlistment structure.
Gujarat Kisan Parivahan Yojana Apply Online Form 2020-21
The Ministry is actualizing Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY), the sub-plot under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) to encourage transport offices in the country territories and furthermore give openings for work to individuals from Self Help Groups (SHGs) under DAY-NRLM. The plan was propelled in August, 2017. Be that as it may, the Ministry doesn’t have a plan called Gram ParivahanYojana.
Gujarat Vahan Parivahan Yojana 2021
AGEY has the accompanying two targets: 1. To give protected, moderate and network checked country transport administrations to associate distant towns with key administrations and enhancements (counting access to business sectors, instruction and wellbeing) for the general financial advancement of the zone by utilizing the backings accessible inside the structure of DAY-NRLM. 2. To give an elective wellspring of employments to individuals from Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their families under DAY-NRLM by encouraging them to work open vehicle administrations in reverse country regions, as recognized by the States.The plot is as of now being actualized in 18 States and 624 vehicles are operational under the plan .
કેટેગરી 1) નાના/સિમાંત/મહિલા/અનુ.જાતિ/ અનુ.જનજાતિના ખેડૂતોને : કુલ ખર્ચના ૩૫% અથવા રૂ. ૭૫,૦૦૦/- બે માંથી ઓછુ હોય તે
કેટેગરી ૨): સામાન્ય/ અન્ય ખેડૂતોને : કુલ ખર્ચના ૨૫% અથવા રૂ. ૫૦,૦૦૦/- બે માંથી ઓછુ હોય તે
Kishan Parivahan Yojana Gujarat 2021 Official CMO Twit
At last, we trust you like to peruse ” data. Continue offering to all ranchers in Gujarat details and every day visit our site for Government plot refreshes.
Kishan Parivahan Yojna Sahay Rakam (Amount)
I Khedut Portal Gujarat GR / Paripatra
Ikhedut Portal
CM also announced Kisan Parivahan Yojana, complementing to Government of India’s Kisan Raila and Kisan Udan schemes. As per budget speech, farmers will get Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000 assistance for light goods carriage vehicle. Rs. 30 crore provision has been made in the first phase to give all benefit to around 5,000 farmers in gujarat.
Kishan Parivahan Yojna Sahay Patrata (Eligibility)Nitin patel also announced Gujarat Organic Agricultural University at Halol in Panchmahal district with provision of Rs. 12 crore for FY 2020-21.