Madre Vatan yojna Full detail And Latest News – Info

Madre Vatan yojna Full detail And Latest News

Madre Vatan yojna Full detail And Latest News

Madre Vatan yojna Full detail And Latest News: Madre Vatan yojna Full detail And Latest News, The state government has announced a ‘Motherland’ scheme in the budget. Under this scheme matching the number of donations given by the donor to develop facilities like school, schoolroom, smart class, Anganwadi, crematorium, dispensary, road, drinking water tank, village lake, sewerage system, community toilet, library, community hall, panchayat.This time more yojna are available in the yojna  category by us.
Madre Vatan yojna Full detail

The amount will be added by the state government. A provision of ~ 200 crores has been made in the budget for this. 
Besides, Mukhyamantri Mahila Utkarsh Yojana has been announced. In which if women form a women’s upliftment group and get a loan of up to Rs 1 lakh, the full interest will be paid directly by the government to the banks. A provision of ~ 12 crores has been made to provide interest assistance under this scheme.
A provision of ~ 2061 crore has been made in the budget for Panchayat Rural Housing and Rural Development Department. For solid waste management in villages, 12-gram panchayats will be provided with cleaning equipment like tricycles and hand carts. Gray water treatment plant will be set up in 50-gram panchayats for liquid waste. A provision of ~ 21 crores has been made for this. At present, all the gram panchayats were given a monthly grant of ~ 5 per person for door-to-door collection, now it will be ~. ~ 4 crores have been allocated for this.
The government will provide Rs 4,000 against the beneficiary contribution of Rs 4,000 for setting up a bathroom facility with the newly sanctioned accommodation.
A provision of ~ 20 crores has been made for this. So far, 4 lakh houses have been constructed against the target of 5.11 lakh houses by 203. Under this program, 3 thousand houses will be built. A provision of ~ 1100 crore has been made for that.  206 crores under Swachh Bharat Mission, ~ 20 crores under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Scheme, ~ 5 crores for Shyamaprasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission, ~ 12 crores for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana, ~ 100 crores for connecting gram panchayats with high-speed internet.
I am happy to announce a new scheme called Mukhyamantri Mahila Utkarsh Yojana. Under this scheme, if women from rural and urban areas form a women’s upliftment group and get a loan of up to Rs. 31 lakh, the full interest will be paid by the state government directly to the banks. 
Madre Vatan yojna Full detail And Latest News
Thus the women’s upliftment group will get a loan at zero percent which will give a new impetus to women for self-employment.
A total provision of Rs. 15 crores for providing interest assistance under this scheme. Wealth and liquid waste management is essential for maintaining cleanliness in the village. Cleaning equipment like tricycle and hand cart will be provided to 12-gram panchayats of the state for solid waste management. Similarly, for liquid waste management, gray water treatment plants will be set up in about 50-gram panchayats for which a total provision of Rs. 31 crores will be made.

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Under the Gujarat Government’s scheme, solid waste is collected through the door-to-door collection, and at present all the Gram Panchayats are given a grant of Rs. 2 per person per month. Instead, a monthly grant of Rs 4 per person will be given for which a provision of Rs 5 crore.