NHIDCL Recruitment 2020 for Various Posts @nhidcl.com
NHIDCL Recruitment 2020: numerous Posts @nhidcl.com :- National Highways and Infrastructure advancement Corporation has confirmed the notification for the below-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates advised referring to the endorsed advertisement and operate this post. You tin come across other facts like period limit, enlightening qualification, collection process, hard work fee, and how to be relevant are agreed below.
Executive Director (T/P): 02
General Manager (T/P): 20
Dy. General Manager (T/P): 20
Manager (T/P): 20
General Manager: 01
Dy. General Manager (Finance): 06
Total Posts: 69
Educational Qualification:
Prefer interpret official Notification for instructive Qualification details.
Selection Process:
Candidates will be select based on an interview.
How to Apply ?:
Eligible candidates may propel their single-mindedness & compulsory ID to the certain attend to in the advertisement.
Note: Candidates are optional to deliver the bureaucrat notification before applying.
Last Date:01-12-2020
NHIDCL Recruitment for Manager – Apply Online Registration Process:
Follow these Steps to Online Apply Form for NHIDCL Recruitment Exam 2020 –
Step 1:
Altogether candidates are advised to glance at chock-a-block certification cautiously before applying for the piece of work post.
Step 2: This Recruitment is based on Offline by Post applying method.
Step 3: You can apply for the job by Speed Post or Normal Post.
Step 4:
Candidates may convey the hard work questionnaire in a sealed protect A4 amount piece with entirely related ID at “सचिव महाप्रबंधक अल्मोड़ा जिला सहकारी बैंक लिमिटेड, अल्मोड़ा“
Step 5: Application Form format is available above Link .