Nishtha New module 10, Module 11, Module 12 available now. – Info

Nishtha New module 10, Module 11, Module 12 available now.

Nishtha New module 10, Module 11, Module 12 available now.

 Nishtha total 18 module training declare by education department.  Out of 18 module module 10 to 12 available now.  It is started on 26 October 2020.

Join Now Nishtha Module 10 to Module 12

 Nishtha Module 10 :: Samajik vigyan nu Padhdhtishatra

 Module 10: Click Here

 This module begins with a discussion of the social sciences in the upper primary section.  This phase lists the objectives of teaching social science subject.  The third point is to introduce three subjects in the social sciences: history, geography and socio-political life.  What educational method can a teacher adopt, especially in the case of study findings and social sciences?  Has given its discussion.

Nishtha Module 11 :: Bhashao nu Padhdhtisastra

Module 11: Click Here

 This module on language learning methodology has been introduced to the state’s S R G and K R P for linguistic education from a diverse Indian perspective.  Attempts to familiarize language status, language learning methods and processes in education as well as language and language assessment solutions.  This module introduces language learning-teaching methods, concepts and ideas along with topics of discussion and reflection.

 Nishtha Module 12 :: Viguan nu Padhdhtisastra

Module 12: Click Here

 The pedagogy module of science has been developed for teachers working in the upper primary department.  The main objective of this module is to make the teaching and understanding of science more practical and efficient through activities and experiments.

 Nishtha Training Schedule changes due to Diwali Vacation Read latest circular

 Due to Corona effect Education department arrange Diksha Nishtha training on online mode.  But Diwali vacation announced Nishttha training schedule is changed.

 Nishtha Training new Time Table declared.

 18 courses of loyalty teacher training for the remaining primary teachers and headmasters (Government, Granted, KGBV, Ashram School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway Shaw (IL) and Sainik School on 5th October. | Was performed during November 2020,

 For primary school teachers.  As the Diwali vacation has been declared during 29th October 18th November 2020, the schedule for joining the online course and broadcasting of BIES is being changed as follows.