NPCIL Recruitment 2021丨Apply Online for 121 Trade Apprentice Posts – Info

NPCIL Recruitment 2021丨Apply Online for 121 Trade Apprentice Posts

NPCIL Recruitment 2021丨Apply Online for 121 Trade Apprentice Posts

Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited (NPCIL) has published an notification for below mentioned Posts, You can find other details like, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, selection process, age limit, experience and how to apply are given below.

NPCIL, is a premier Public Sector Enterprise under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India having comprehensive capability in all facets of nuclear technology namely, Site Selection, Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation, Maintenance, Renovation, Modernization & Upgradation, Plant Life extension, Waste Management and Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors in India under one roof.

Post Name : Trade Apprentice

Electrician 32

Fitter 32

Instrument Mechanic 12 

Electronic Mechanic 12


Welder 07

Turner 07

Machinist 06

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic 06 

Total No. of Post : 121

Educational Qualification 

➣Electrician : ITI in Electrician Trade

➣Fitter : ITI in Fitter Trade

➣Instrument Mechanic : ITI in Instrument Mechanic Trade

➣Electronic Mechanic : ITI in Electronic Mechanic Trade


➣Welder : ITI in Welder Trade

➣Turner : ITI in Turner Trade

➣Machinist : ITI in Machinist Trade

➣ Refrigeration & Air – Conditioning Mechanic : ITI in Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Mechanic


The Minimum age of the applicant should not be below 14 years and Maximum age limit is 24 years for General Candidates as on 15/07/2021. Age relaxation up to 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC(NCL), 10 years for PWD candidate would be given as per the Govt. of India directives

The absconded apprentice candidates from previous training are not eligible to apply.

The qualification prescribed above shall be from a recognized institute as full time regular course.

He/She should possess the required physical standard (i.e. Height-137 Cm, Weight -25.4 kg and Chest expansion should not be less than 3.8 centimeters irrespective of size of ches) as prescribed under the Apprenticeship Rules 1992.

The candidates should NOT have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training in any Central/State Government of Public Sector Undertaking or any private organization as per the Apprentices Act-1961/1973 as amended from time to time.


The candidates will be short listed for training on the basis of marks obtained in their ITI standard/course

The selected candidate has to produce a Police Verification Certificate from the District Police Authority and a Character/Conduct certificate from the concerned institution at the time of reporting for training.


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The applications should reach us on or before the last date i.e 15/07/2021. Application received after the last date for any reason will not be considered