Office Assistant education qualifications – Info

Office Assistant education qualifications

Office Assistant education qualifications

any other educational Institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as R University under sectiLT 3 of the University Grants Commission Act , 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognised by the Government , ( c ) possess the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment ( General ) Rules 1967 ; ( d ) have a speed of not less than 5000 key Depressions with accuracy per hour for data entry work in English and Gujarati ; and ( e ) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

No . GS / 19 / 2015 / BHRT / 10 – 2014 / 103837 / K : – In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all the rules made in this behalf , the Governor of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to provide for regulating recruitment to the post of office Assistant , Class III , in the Subordinate service of the Secretariat Departments namely . * 1 These rules may be called the office Assistant , Class III , in the subordinate service of the Secretariat Departments Recrutment Rules , 2019.

Appointment to the post of office Assistant , Class III , in the subordinate service of the Sekretariat Departments shall be made by direct selection , 3 . To be eligible for appointment by direct selection to the post mentioned in rule 2 , a candidate shall , – ( a ) not be more than 35 years of age ; ( b ) possess , a bachelor ‘ s degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act if1 India.

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