Start date:10th aug 2019
Last date : 20th aug 2019
This is a timed quiz with 20 questions to be answered in 600 seconds.
These questions will be randomly picked from the question bank.
Winners will be adjudged on the basis of maximum number of correct answers.
In case of multiple participants having given same number of correct answers, the participants who take the least time to complete the quiz will be adjudged the winner.
You can skip a tough question and come back to it later.
You have to give 20 questions’ answers and then you can download your certificate also. It based on physics. It checks your knowledge of physics.
Two (2) top scoring Students (from class 8 – 10 only) from each State and Union Territory will be invited to ISRO, Bengaluru Centre to watch the landing of Chandrayaan-2 on
the Moon, live along with the Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
MyGov platform is designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
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