Foster Parents’ Plan
There is no other choice as a family for children’s healthy and balanced development. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, their orphaned children are not able to grow up in their pragmatic family, thus raising their children to institutions for their children. According to the society’s classical perspective, organization can be considered as a last resort only for the child.Mutualfunds are vehicles to invest in various asset classes such as gold, equity andbonds. Each fund manager has his way of making money for his investors and isgoverned by the scheme’s objective. The investors are expected to keep a trackof his scheme’s performance from time to time. It makes sense to conduct aperiodical review of all your MF schemes and weed out underperformers, if any.Failing to review can cost you a fortune. Investing large sums in equity MFs isa tricky game. Not many investors can handle the situation emotionally. Thebest way to avoid it is to write all cheques and sign all the forms in one goor click wherever required at one go. However, this is not the best method.
Name of the scheme: – Parental parental scheme
Standard Chart: – Under this scheme, all orphan children belonging to the age group of 0 to 18 years of age and children whose parents do not exist, will be eligible for benefit. The children whose father is dead and the mother has remarried, will have to submit marriage certificate on the matter of remarriage of the mother.
Assistance Rate- Monthly Rs.3,000 / – (Rupees Three Thousand Full) monthly assistance will be paid to the foster parents or close relatives who care for the orphan children.
Income Limit- The applicant’s income is estimated to be more than Rs 27,000 in rural areas and more than Rs 36,000 in urban areas.
Scheme conditions-
Beneficiary seekers to be raised by the adoptive parents shall be placed in Anganwadi for children aged 3 to 6 and children in the age of 6 years must be given compulsory school education. If the child’s study is stopped, assistance will be stopped.
For the children going to Anganwadi, certificate of relevant computer program for ICDS (Integrated Child Development Plan) and certificate of affiliated school for children going to school will be submitted by 15th July every year.
There will be certified examples of the death of the child’s parents.
If the child’s mother is remarried and the child will stay with the mother, assistance will be stopped.
The application form can be downloaded free of cost from the website of the website or at the office of the nearest Children’s / District Social Security Officer’s Office / District Child Safety Officer. Assistance will be available from the date of application for approval.
The scheme has to be implemented at district level by the District Children’s Home Superintendent. The district child protection unit will be accepted in the District which is not functioning in the district and the next action will be taken in the district. The District Social Security Officer will be responsible for payment and payment.
At each district level, the recommendations of the sponsorship and approval committee (SFCAC) will be reviewed and ordered to pay the assistance to the foster parents who are eligible
The children who are benefiting from such a state or any other scheme in the center will not be benefitted from this scheme.
This amount will be payable in the beneficiary’s account with the direct payment (DBT) system from the paycheck. Such foster parents will be allowed to open their joint name with the name of the child in the bank / post office.
Application form for incomplete details will not be considered.
Check out (Parents)
Let the kids study at the schools of Anganwadi
Child and child care parents
Copy guardian ration card
Passport Siaana Fata-1 (Balaka)
More Information Palak Mata Pita Yojana Contact on Below Address:
Gujarat State Child Protection SocietyBlock Number 19, 3rd Floor,Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Sector 10,Gandhinagar, Gujarat.Phone: 079 – 232 42521/23Fax: 079 – 232 42522E-mail:,,
Please Note – Above Address Might Changes – For More Contacts Click Here to visit
Useful Link:-
Paripatra G.R Page 1 // G.R Page 2
- Sarkar Ni Jaher Yojanao Mahiti Book Click Here
Sahay Arji Form
Form Page 1 | Form Page 2
Download Pdf Form Click Here
Download Word Form Click Here
Download Application Form- : Click here
Form Sathe Jodva Na Document List Click here
Youare exposing yourself to timing risk. It makes sense to take a staggeredapproach to investing. “Systematic transfer plan helps you to invest at regularintervals and optimise your returns,” says Solanki. While the SIP book isgrowing there is no dearth of investors who prefer to stand at the otherextreme. These are these investors who prefer to time their investments tomaximise their returns. Some even prefer to sell their investments when themarkets appear overpriced. However, it does not work for most of them barring afew lucky folks. Some keep waiting for the markets to correct while othersrepent as to why they sold at the previous top. The government has started implementing the scheme from 1978 on the basis of the adoptive parents’ scheme, by raising them in an alternative family, keeping them in an institutional environment instead of raising such destitute orphan children in a holistic and balanced way