Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural) Important matters
The objective is to give lodging to all constantly 207
Recipient Selection S.E.C. As per 2011 information
The size of the convenience is 30 sq.m. Expanded from 3 sq.m.
The measure of help has been expanded from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 and Rs. 12,50 under MGNREGA plot, Rs. 15,000 for development of latrines under Swachh Bharat Mission and Rs. 2,15,50.
Essential offices like water, power, streets and so on in a joint effort with different plans.
Preparing of recipients and craftsmans engaged with lodging development, for example, Kadiya, Sakhi Mandals
Utilization of cutting edge innovation for checking. (Lodging App)
Technique for arrangement of rundown of qualified recipients
Procedure prescribed by the Ministry of Rural Development of india, Central Government of india
The accompanying need list dependent on SECC information has been readied.
As a matter of first importance to isolate all the families living in houses with paki dividers and/or paki rooftop Separate all families with any of the 12 pointers of prohibition To assign a gathering of families who don’t claim a private house and a gathering of all families living in houses with zero room/one/two room crude divider and crude rooftop as a gathering of qualified recipient families
To plan 6 separate arrangements of qualified (Muslim, Jain, Sikh, Parsi, Christian, Buddhist) and different families at Gram Panchayat level
System for setting needs
To organize the qualified families based on hardship at the Gram Panchayat level.
Lodging Deprivation – First to file family units and afterward zero room/one room/two room houses.
To organize families without any qualities in the filed offshoot class
At that point give equivalent weighting to the indications of hardship to different families, deciding the interior need dependent on the absolute coefficient of hardship.
The higher the coefficient of hardship, the higher the need of the family.
In Gram Panchayats, the rundown with the need given by the Central Government must be circled
A different rundown ought to be set up by distinguishing the minority families from the rundown of others. In which the need according to the first rundown must be kept up.
The Gram Sabha should check the rundown by classification.
On the off chance that the accompanying realities show up, the family name should be expelled from the rundown.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural)
On the off chance that the duplication of need is the equivalent, at that point need will be given to the families under the accompanying gathering.
Families with inabilities
Groups of widows and beneficiaries of people executed in the line of obligation in the Army/Paramilitary Forces/Police Force
Families with individuals with disease or malignancy or individuals with AIDS
Families with just a single little girl
There is as of now no arrangement for adding names to the rundown. In any case, the rundown of names to be added to the rundown by the Gram Sabha, incorporating the goal with the assessment of the Gram Sabha, must be submitted to the Taluka Development Officer.
How To Check Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in your Name.?
important link:
Grievance Redressal:
Complaints against the list approved by the Gram Sabha can be lodged with the Taluka Development Officer or with the authority designated by the State Government.
The concerned authority will ask into the protest got and send its report to the Appellate Authority as endorsed by the State Government inside the recommended time limit.