PSI Direct competitive Recruitment New Rules pdf – Info

PSI Direct competitive Recruitment New Rules pdf

PSI Direct competitive Recruitment New Rules pdf

These rules may be called the Post of Sub-Inspector, Class III, (Combined Competitive Examination for Direct Recruitment) Rules, 2021.

They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

These rules shall apply to the post of Sub-Inspector, Class III level cadre posts, as specified in Appendix I.

Educational Qualifications and Age limit :-

(1) The candidate, possessing the requisite educational qualifications, other qualifications and requirements for the appointment to the post as specified in Appendix I prescribed under the relevant recruitment rules shall be eligible for admission to the examination.

(2) The candidate for admission to the examination shall have attained the minimum age and shall not have attained the maximum age as prescribed in the relevant recruitment rules on the date as may be specified in the advertisement.

6. Holding of Examination :-

(1) The Board shall, on receiving the requisition from the Director General and Inspector General of Police, Gujarat State, publish an advertisement in the prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State, inviting applications in the prescribed form, from the eligible candidates for

appointment to the posts.

(2) The procedure for inviting application and scrutiny of the applications shall be decided by the Board.

(3) The Board shall hold an examination for selection of candidates by direct recruitment to the posts specified in Appendix I.

(4) The date on which, the time and the places at which the examination shall be held shall be decided by the Board.

(5) The candidate shall be required to attend all the stages of examination at his own expenses on the dates, time and places as notified by the Board.