PUC Certificate official Rate in Gujarat – Info

PUC Certificate official Rate in Gujarat

PUC Certificate official Rate in Gujarat

Did you know what the legal mandatory requirements for your vehicle are? A valid driving license, a valid insurance coverage, Registration Certificate(RC) and of course, a PUC Certificate are the required documents, right?

While the first is very commonly known to vehicle owners, it is the last two which are either ignored, avoided or are unknown. While a compulsory insurance coverage is mandated by the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988; the PUC Certification, also compulsory, is mandated by the Central Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989. Do you understand what does the PUC Certificate entail and its requirements?

While every vehicle owner would be familiar with the importance of carrying a valid driving license, the significance of the other two documents is often overlooked.

Remember that it is mandatory as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 that you obtain a compulsory insurance coverage. As per the Central Motor Vehicles Rule, 1989, it is mandatory to get a PUC Certification for your vehicle.

The PUC certificate must mention:

the certificate serial number

the vehicle license plate number

the date of testing

the expiry date

the emission readings

In a bid to further curb the pollution in the Delhi-NCR region, Supreme court of India has passed an order in August 2017 that for insurance renewal vehicle owners will have to mandatorily furnish PUC certificates.

Puc Rate In gujarat Are Following:: 

Moped ;;; Rs. 10

Two wheller (without moped) ;;; Rs. 20

Three wheler ( LPg/Petrol) ::: Rs. 25

Three wheler ( Deasel) ::: Rs. 25

LMV:: Rs. 50

Medium and heavy Vehicles::: Rs. 60

Validity and Cost:

When you purchase a new car, a PUC certificate is provided for it and the validity of this certificate is 1 year. Following that your car would need to undergo the PUC test at regular intervals and a new certificate will be issued each time
The validity of the new certificate is usually 6 months. In case an adverse reading is observed in the PUC test, the validity of the certificate will be decided on the basis of that reading.
If cars exhibit higher levels of emission than the prescribed limits, the registration number of the vehicle will be informed to the RTO, Deputy RTO or Assistant RTO by the testing centre within one day.

The cost of the PUC test is quite minimal. It varies from Rs. 10 to Rs. 60, based on the vehicle that is being tested and its fuel type.

What is a PUC Certificate?

The full form of PUC is Pollution under Control. It is a valid certification, that’s granted to a vehicle that has passed the PUC Test. If your vehicle receives this certificate, it implies that your car or bike’s vehicular emissions are under control and in accordance with the pollution norms. In short, your car / bike is not a threat to the air of your city.

The process for the PUC certification has been specified as per the Central Motor Vehicles Rule.

All motor vehicles release smoke which has the potential to pollute the environment, if left unchecked. As such, there have be some norms to check the vehicular emission levels to determine how safe they are and whether they add to the city’s air pollution.

In a PUC test, a vehicle should meet the following criteria: