Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries – Info

Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries

Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries


About Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries

Khadi masks can now be bought at home, Khadi India has started selling masks online

આ પણ વાંચો :: અનલોક 5 ઓફિસયલ ગાઇડલાઇન

Masks range in price from Rs 30 to Rs 100

The company has supplied 6 lakh masks

The customer has to place an order of at least Rs.500


To make khadi and village activities available in the group.

Provide services such as raw material support, skills development, training, quality control, testing facility, marketing promotion, design and product development to rural groups.

આ પણ વાંચો :: હવે ઘરે બેઠા વિજળી/લાઈટ બીલ ઓનલાઇન ચેક કરો અને ભરો કેવી રીતે જાણો?


The Rural Industry Service Center is a general facility aimed at providing traditional assistance and essential services to local units such as their own production capacity, skill development and market expansion.

The Rural Industry Service Center (RISC) should cover one of the following services.

Provide testing facility by established laboratories to ensure product quality.

To provide common good machinery / equipment that can be used by local groups / artists as a facility to add value to the product or increase production capacity.

To provide attractive and suitable packaging facility and machinery to local groups / artists for good marketing of their products.

Apart from the above facilities, RISC provides the following services

આ પણ વાંચો :: પગના દુખાવો,સાંધાનો દુખાવો દૂર કરવામાં રામબાણ ધરેલુ આયુર્વેદિક ઇલાજ

To provide training facility for enhancing the skills of the artists to increase the age.

In consultation with experts / agencies for value addition of rural manufacturing units, new designs or new products, product diversification should be made available.

To make seasonal raw materials available.

Functional agency

KVIC and state level KVIB

National level / state level Khadi and Gramodhog Sangh

Khadi and Gramodhog Institute recognized by KVIC and KVIB

Excluding KVIC’s blacklist, NGOs have worked in the implementation of rural handicrafts development program in at least any of the three projects funded by the Ministry of State / Union Ministry, CAPART, NABARD and UN agencies.

Industries coming under RISC

Dress khadi and poly
Herbal products, cosmetics and medicines
Deficit oil
Detergent and soa
Handmade paper
Deficit processing
Bio-fertilizer / Bio-pesticide / Bio-deficit
Leather industry

All village industries except the blacklisted industries

Terms and context

The committee will evaluate the implementation capacity of the institute

The committee will examine the commercial and technical feasibility of the project

Control and evaluation of program execution in Rural Industry Service Center.

Technical feasibility

The feasibility of the project can be studied through the technical interface of KVIC / College of Engineering / College of Agriculture, University / Polytechnic. The cost of this study can be added to the pre-implementation cost or it can be done by an expert who has sufficient technical knowledge.



Grant method

Once the project up to Rs. 25 lakhs is approved by the State Level Evaluation Committee, it is forwarded by the State Director to the concerned Program Director at the Headquarters. If the case is kept before SFC Khadi or Gramodhog for final approval.

Grant Allocation

The amount sanctioned for the project will be given to the beneficiary organization in three parts and this will be done after the organization has spent its participation.