Schemes for Old Age Welfare Indira Gandhi National Old Age Assistance Scheme (Vayvandana Yojana) IGNOAPS – Info

Schemes for Old Age Welfare Indira Gandhi National Old Age Assistance Scheme (Vayvandana Yojana) IGNOAPS

Schemes for Old Age Welfare Indira Gandhi National Old Age Assistance Scheme (Vayvandana Yojana) IGNOAPS

Amount of assistance Monthly assistance to the beneficiaries aged 60 to 6 years Rs.50 / – (Rs. 300 / – from State Government + Rs. 200 / – from Central Government) and Rs. Rs.500 / – + Rs.500 / – from Central Government

Indira Gandhi National Old Age Assistance Scheme (Vayvandana Yojana) IGNOAPS

The above scheme has been implemented all over India by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi from 16-11-2009. The implementation of which has been started in the state of Gujarat from 1-4-2008. The application of which has to be made separately to the Mamlatdar of the concerned taluka.

The eligibility to apply under this scheme is as under.

Applicants must be 30 years of age or older.
The applicant should live in a rural area and should have a score of 0 to 50 in the B.P.L list under the poor line. The B.P.L should be prepared for urban area applicants in the context of poverty alleviation programs of the Ministry of Urban Housing & Property Elevation of the Central Government.

Eligible spouses can both apply.
Amount of assistance
Amount of assistance Monthly assistance to the beneficiaries aged 60 to 6 years Rs.50 / – (Rs. 300 / – from State Government + Rs. 200 / – from Central Government) and Rs. Rs.500 / – + Rs.500 / – from Central Government

Regarding the appeal application
There is a provision to appeal against the rejected application to the provincial officer within 90 days.

When does the aid stop?

Beneficiary BPL

From the death of the beneficiaries

Where can I get the application form?

Will be available free of charge from the following office.


Download Form Old Age Yojana

Click here for Official Site for more Detail

Collector’s Office
Mamlatdar’s office
Public Service Center

The amount of assistance to the beneficiary is credited to the beneficiary’s account by DBT. Are deposited.