Surat SMC Recruitment for 800 Apprentice Posts 2020 – Info

Surat SMC Recruitment for 800 Apprentice Posts 2020

Surat SMC Recruitment for 800 Apprentice Posts 2020

            Surat SMC Recruitment 

Surat Municipal Corporation Recruitment for 800 Apprentice Posts,Latest News, jobs Updates, Technology Tips and General Information Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post.

Total Posts: 800 Posts
Posts Name: Apprentice

Trade Name:

• Electrician: 60
• Wireman: 120
• Fitter: 20
Health Sanitary Inspector: 50
• Computer Operator & Programming Assistant: 80
• Accountant: 150
• Micro Finance Apprentice: 10
• Office Assistant: 180
• Field Survey Emulator: 100
• Assistant (Human Resource): 30

Important Dates for Apprentice Posts:
• Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 21-09-2020
• Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 30-09-2020

Educational Qualification & Other Details: Please Read Official Advertisement here

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website here

Before applying online for this Apprentice Trade Advertisement, please see the following general advertisement instructions with detailed advertisement and the following general instructions on how to apply online.  Only then will the candidate have to apply. 

For more details contact the Central Establishment (Recruitment) Department on Phone No. 081-21-2 (X-41).  -: General Instructions for Apprentice Candidates: (1) Before applying as an Apprentice in Surat Municipal Corporation, first every candidate has to register as an Apprentice on the portal 

Mandatory Aadhaar card verification has to be done by filling in the details of Apprentice profile on the portal  (3) Apprentice candidate has to register as an apprentice on the portal and after filling in the details of the apprentice profile go to link and apply online. 

(3) As per the qualification mentioned in the advertisement, the apprentice candidate has to compulsorily upload the marksheet of the last semester year in the online application.

  (3) A final waiting list will be prepared for all the above cadres on the basis of the criteria deemed appropriate by the Appointment Authority.  By which the criteria of basic qualification of the place will be decided and the candidates will be informed about it through the message on the mobile number or e-mail mentioned in the application form.

  (2) The date for document verification and necessary instructions as required for this advertisement which will be informed at that time by message on mobile number or e-mail.  So keep the mobile number and e-mail address at the time of online application till the recruitment process is completed. 

Which will be in your interest.  Surat Municipal Corporation will not be responsible for future situation due to change of e-mail or phone number.  (3) At the time of document verification, the apprentice candidate shall submit all the original documents mentioned in the application form and a certified copy of all the documents along with the copy of the application.

 (2) If the candidate has any other unit for apprenticeship  Candidate’s application will be eligible for cancellation if it is attached to the agreement with the organization.

 (2) Applications sent in person or by post will not be accepted. 

(10) Candidate who has done apprenticeship in that trade earlier should not apply. 

(11) Apprentice will be paid stipend under The Apprentice Act-121.

 (12) The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years. 

(12) This advertisement is for apprenticeship only, apprenticeship will be immediately dismissed after the expiry of the prescribed period of the trade.

 (12) The Appointment Authority of Surat Municipal Corporation shall have full right to do so in case of any need to cancel or change the application for any reason in full or for any cadre and shall not be bound to give any reasons for this. 

(12) During the verification of the application form and certificates of the eligible candidate, if any candidate is found not to be qualified as per the provisions of the Apprenticeship Act and advertisement or is found to be without the required certificates or discrepancies with the application and original certificates, his candidature will be canceled at any stage. Wishes You Best Of Luck. Please Everyday Keep visiting Our Website To Know Upcoming Latest Jobs, Admissions, Sarkari Yojana, Paripatra, Exam Results, Answer Keys, Syllabus And Many Other Gujarat Gov. Jobs & Goverment official information  Updates Instantly.keep visiting yash dodiya official website.Get All update notification plz subscribe via email. Thank You.