text and web pages, convert text to audio file – Info

text and web pages, convert text to audio file

Read aloud text and web pages, convert text to audio file


• Open text/PDF/ePub files, and read aloud it.
• Convert text file into an audio file.
• With the simple built-in browser, you can open your favorite website, let T2S read aloud for you. (You can enter the browser from the left navigation drawer)
• “Type speak” mode: A easy way to speak the text your typed.

• Easy to use across apps:

– Use a sharing feature from other apps to send a text or URL to T2S to speak. For URL, the app can load and extract the text of articles in web pages.
– On the Android 6+ system, you can selected text from other apps, then tap ‘Speak’ option form menu, the app will read aloud your selected text (* Require third-party apps to use standard system components).
– Copy-to-speak: Copy text or URL from other apps, then tap T2S’s Floating Button to speak copied content. You can turn on this feature in the app’s settings.


• Highly recommend you install and use Google Text-to-speech engine, it has best compatibility with the app.
Google speech engine:•


  If the app frequently stops unexpectedly in the background, or it frequently displayed an error messages said: “Speech engine is not responding”, you may need change battery saver settings to allow the app and speech engine app to running in the background.