The education department is engaged in 10th standard mass promotion
The education department is engaged in 10th standard mass promotion: Mass nomination is given a standard 10 due to the corona. Then there is no consideration to cancel the 12th standard test. No decision has been made regarding the 12 standard tests.
While the department of education is busy on issues such as how to process admission, and how to adjust the marking sheet after the recommendation of a standard 10 pile, the government will decide on a standard 12 test.
આ પણ વાંચો ડાઉનલોડ કરો એન્ટિવાઈરસ 2020 એપ ફ્રી.
The government is not ready to advertise in large numbers in St.
Above News Is taken from today news paper.
There are more than 5 lakh students enrolled in Std. 12 in various fields such as Science / Commerce / Arts in the province. Not all tests are determined. The government is not the root of canceling exams or promotions. The exams will be held forcibly but no decision has been taken by the government on when they will be held, which has left students confused. In the second wave, many young and young children are also infected with the corona, which has caused parents to worry about how to do offline testing.
આ પણ વાંચો ::તમને ગમતા વિડિયો માંથી Mp3 રિંગટોન બનાવો આ Apps થી.
What can you do for St. 12? The government is confused
Due to the increasing number of cases, the government has canceled the 10th standard test and issued a mass increase, but the government is also confused about what to do with standard 12. According to an education department official, the education department 10. You have given a lot of promotions to level 10, but now it is being considered how you can agree to level 11 and how you can deliver the result. The Department of Education has not yet considered the 12th level. No meeting was held for testing and no committee was formed. The government will decide when and how the 12th standard trial will be conducted.
આ પણ વાંચો ::હવે ઘરે બેઠા તમારા ગામની નવી BPL યાદી 2020 આ રીતે જુઓ
What are the screening arrangements for students with heart problems?
Students should know 2 weeks in advance if they want to write the standard 12 exam so that they can prepare well. Currently, in the absence of an education department or government meeting held for testing, it is likely that a decision will be made in a week and if the decision is taken in the first week of June, 15 days will have to be given. The weather will start again after the second week of June. Once it starts to rain and tests are done, how can students from small villages get to the testing center and other difficulties arise. It is a question of whether coronary or marginalized students or those from their content area can add to the test.
Parents are concerned about children becoming infected
Students are also confused by the standard 12 tests. The question is how the test will be performed, the MCQ method or the other way around. Parents are also concerned that their children will not become infected if the tests are held during the ongoing epidemic. Private classroom teachers have also started teaching now, but students in online courses do not fully understand. Therefore, students, parents, and teachers are also confused.
ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો
Whatever the decision, it will be of interest to everyone
According to the school board, we have given the department of education the opportunity to conduct tests on these epidemics. The school principal whenever the department of education or government makes a new decision. The Board of Trustees does not seek the approval of teachers, but only determines the opinion of current and retired officials of the Department of Education. It will benefit everyone if the decision is made with the consent or consent of all.