UGVCL Graduate Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited – UGVCL published an official notification for Engagement of Graduate Apprentice under BOAT Scheme contractual basis. Eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment. You can view more details about this job vacancy including No. of posts, name of post, Educational qualification, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply etc… You can also view official notification and other imp facts about this job e.g. Important links and Important dates.
No. of posts: 56
Name of posts: Engagement of Graduate Apprentice under BOAT Scheme
Educational Qualification
Passed with Minimum 55% in Regular B.E/B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the year 2018 to 2020 in granted by statutory University
Age limit
Candidate shall be up to 28 years for unreserved candidate 05 years relaxation shall be given for reserved category.
Present Stipend is Rs. 9000/- every month which may be amended by GUVNL from to time during Apprentice engagement period. The Apprentice trainee is not eligible for any TA-DA/Boarding or Lodging expenses incurred during the period of training. The company will not provide any financial assistance towards transportation.
Selection for engagment of Apprentices would be based on the basis of marks obtained and verification of original documents at the time of Interview. In case of similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered. No canvasing or influencing would be acceptable at any time and may render for non-consideration.
How to Apply
Who candidate intersyed meating the above criteria may send their application along with all relevant enclosures to The Additional General Manager (HR), Corporate Office, Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Visnagar Road, Mehsana-384001 by Registered post / Registered Courier / speed post, duly mentioning “Application for Engagement of Graduate Apprentice under BOAT Scheme” on envelop
UGVCL Graduate Apprentice Advertisement & application form
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