Vahali Dikari Yojana – Gujarat Vhali dikari Yojana Full Details – Info

Vahali Dikari Yojana – Gujarat Vhali dikari Yojana Full Details

Vhali Dikri Yojna fill information|| video|| Budget 2019- 20 gujarat 
Money Minister Nitin Patel in his expend converse moment reported another plan’ Vhali Dikri Yojana’. 

Vhali Dikri Yojana’ Full details 

‘Vhali Dikri Yojana’ Full details

 A immature lady chick among original two seed of family will get advantage of this plan. Philanthropist immature lady youth on her entrance to first norm in academe willgetRs., in ninth standard she will getRs. and when she finishes 18- time age she will getRs. 1 lakh,’ Nitin Patel said. 
He said the plan will meliorate commerce proportion, it will amp immature lady chick training and profit a major sum for advanced education and marriage. 

The plan as advisable by Patel will be served to families with uptoRs. 2 lakh pay for each time. 
The State government has made assignment ofRs. 133 crore for this plan in popular time 2019- 20 financial plan. 


‘Vhali Dikri Yojana’. Importance Guidence

 Vhali Dikri Yojana’. significance Guidence 
With an end thing to expand the birth pace of immature ladies and to battle womanish feticide, the Gujarat government has propelled’ Vali Dairy Scheme’ in the spending plan. Under the plan, when the immature lady crosses the age of 18, the Finance Minister, Nitin Patel, reported in the Assembly that the council will give him Rs one lakh. 

immature ladies’ training is as of now free in the state. I am declaring the operation of the Whale Child Scheme to fortify the fiscal, societal position of immature ladies, to reduce the hustler rate in training and to forestall chick marriage. The Deputy Chief Minister said that in this plan, the advantages of this plan will be accessible to the immature ladies of the original two seed of the family. 
‘Vhali Dikri Yojana’.usefull Document List

Vhali Dikri Yojana’. significance Guidence 

With an end thing to expand the birth pace of immature ladies and to battle womanish feticide, the Gujarat government has propelled’ Vali Dairy Scheme’ in the spending plan. Under the plan, when the immature lady crosses the age of 18, the Finance Minister, Nitin Patel, reported in the Assembly that the council will give him Rs one lakh. 
‘Vhali Dikri Yojana’.Last date and full guidence

Vhali Dikri Yojana’. Last date and full guidence 

On the previously mentioned arrangement, the Deputy Chief Minister said that the council is talking with fiscal associations like Banks and LIC on this plan. The council will give high backing costs. The fervourof the plan will run. 
25 lakh woman will getRs. 700 crore! 

At current 1.5 lakh Sakhi Mandals are dynamic in Gujarat. In which 20 million sisters are added. These Sakhi Mandals have so distant got Rs crore bank credit. In which five to eight percent conspiracy gift and other capitalist related help are being given by the council. 


The administration will give help to the little girls of dependent  families with a pay of over to Rs 2 lakh under this plan. In which two girls will be given help for request by the operation. Under this plan, little girls devise on alternate August and after will be givenRs. at the hour of declaration in the main norm andRs. at the hour of declaration in the new norm. 

At the end when the girl revolve 18, the little girl will be given Rs 1 lakh for new education or marriage help . building for vehicle of this plan has also begun in Anganwadi, CPDO office, Gram Panchayat and Women and Child Officer’s office. In which certain conditions are set down. The cooperate will get a limit of two little girls. The main little girl and the posterior little girl will profit. He’ll not mileage in the event that he has a third little girl. In the event that there is a first child and a posterior girl, the posterior little girl will find support. 




In the financial plan, new Sakhi Mandals will be worked in three times. The spending plan for making independent work openings has been made by giving advances of over bluffs. 700 crores to 25 lakh sisters.