What is PrdhanMantriKisaanSammanNidhiYojana 2022? What are its Advantages?

 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi 


Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi( PMKSN, restatement Prime Minister’s Farmer’s Tribute Fund) is an action by the government of India in which all growers will get up to ₹,000( original to ₹,300 orUS$ 83 in 2020) per time as minimal income support. The action was blazoned by Piyush Goyal during the 2019 Interim Union Budget of India on 1 February 2019.( 1)( 2)( 3)( 4) The scheme has bring ₹,000 crore( original to ₹ 790 billion orUS$ 10 billion in 2020) per annum and has come in effect from December 2018.( 5) ₹ 6000 per time will be paid to each eligible planter in three instalments and will be deposited directly to their bank accounts. 


The scheme was first conceived and enforced by Government of Telangana as the Rythu Bandhu scheme, where a certain quantum is given directly to eligible growers. The scheme has entered accolades( 6) from colorful organisations for its successful perpetration, including World Bank. numerous economist suggest that this type of investment support is better( 7) than ranch loan quitclaims. With the positive outgrowth of this scheme, Government of India wanted to apply( 8) it as civil design and it was blazoned by Piyush Goyal during the 2019 Interim Union Budget of India on 1 February 2019.( 9)( 10) 


For 2018 – 2019,Rs.,000 crore was allocated under this scheme. For the time 2019 – 2020, the scheme has been revised to profit nearly 2 crores more growers; for which the content of the scheme is increased to nearly14.5 crore heirs, by allocatingRs. crores by the Central Government. On 24 February 2019, Narendra Modi launched the scheme in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur by transferring the first investiture of ₹,000 each to over one crore growers.( 11)( 12)( 13) 

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has awarded the top- performing countries, sections under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. It’s grounded on the criteria similar as correction of data, addressing planter grievances, and timely physical verification exercise.( 14) 

5 Top- Performing States Under PM- Kisan Scheme 

State Explanation 

Karnataka 97 Aadhaar authenticated data. further than 90 of heirs in Karnataka are being paid benefits via Aadhaar grounded payment mode. 

Maharashtra Physical Verification Completed – 99, Grievance Redressal – 60 

Uttar Pradesh Nearly1.53 crore growers were registered during the period of Dec ’18 to Mar ’ 19 

Arunachal Pradesh Aadhaar Authentication is 98 

Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Physical Verification Completed – 75 Grievance Redressal – 56 


With a view to compound the income of the Small and Borderline growers( SMFs), the Government has launched a new Central Sector Scheme, videlicet,” Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi( PM- KISAN)” in the current fiscal time.( 15) 

The PM- KISAN scheme aims to condense the fiscal requirements of the SMFs in earning colorful inputs to insure proper crop health and applicable yields, commensurable with the anticipated ranch income at the end of the each crop cycle.( 15) 

This would also cover them from falling in the clutches of moneylenders for meeting similar charges and insure their continuance in the husbandry conditioning.( 15) 



This is around ₹,000 crore.( 16) The complete expenditure for the scheme will borne by the Union Government in 2019 – 20.( 17)( 18)( 19) 


Eligibility criteria 

In the database, the land proprietor’s name, gender,- The lander proprietor must have name in the government database 

Social Bracket( slated lines slated lines)- Caste Certificate 

Aadhaar number, bank account number and mobile number( Contact Details),etc. 

Land record details. 

Jan Dhan Bank Account Number, Aadhaar and Mobile Number will help in relating eligible heirs and unskillful heirs. 

The scheme is patronized by the Central Government. thus, the growers have to be citizens of the country. 

All growers irrespective of landholding are eligible. 

Landholding should be in growers name in order to come eligible under the scheme. 

position of land doesn’t estimate if land is being used for husbandry purpose. 

Micro landholdings are also made eligible.( 20) 

Documents needed 

Citizenship instrument. 

Landholding papers. 

Aadhaar card 

Portion card 

Bank account details( 21) 

Rejection orders 

The following orders of heirs of advanced profitable status shall not be eligible for benefit under the scheme.( 22)( 23) ( A) All Institutional Land holders.( 22)( 23) 


B) Farmer families in which one or further of its members belong to following orders( 22)( 23) 

Former and present holders of indigenous posts. 

Former and present Ministers/ State Ministers and former/ present Members of LokSabha/ RajyaSabha/ State Legislative Assemblies State Legislative Councils, former and present Mayors of External pots, former and present speakers of District Panchayats. 

All serving or sheltered officers and workers of Central/ State Government Ministries services Departments and its field units Central or State PSEs and Attached services Autonomous Institutions under Government as well as regular workers of the Original Bodies( Banning Multi Tasking Staff/ Class IV/ Group D workers). 

All superannuated/ sheltered pensioners whose yearly pension is ₹,000/- or further( Banning Multi Tasking Staff/ Class IV/ Group D workers) of above order. 

All Persons who paid Income Tax in last assessment time. 

Professionals like Croakers, masterminds, attorneys, Chartered Accountants, and Engineers registered with Professional bodies and carrying out profession by bearing practices. 

Leased land holders aren’t eligible i.e. tenant growers. 

Land which isn’t used for the purpose of husbandry aren’t eligible. 

State Governments Schemes 

Annadatha Sukhibhava 

Annadatha Sukhibhava 

Position Andhra Pradesh, India 

Budget ₹,000 crores for FY 2019- 20 

Website http//annadathasukhibhava.ap.gov.in/ 

Annadatha Sukhibhava( Telugu అన్నదాత సుఖీభవ) is a weal program started by Andhra Pradesh Government to give ₹,000 investment support to small and borderline planter’s family per annum which includes ₹ 6000 Central Government Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi share.( 24) The government is furnishing support to nearly64.1 lakh planter including tenant growers.( 25) This planter investment support scheme where the cash is paid directly into the Aadhaar linked bank accounts will cover all the growers in the state on Family as unit base without any conditions.( 26) It was formally started on19-02-2019 by furnishing ₹ 1000 originally by Real Time Governance Society center.( 27)

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