Your base card will earn 30 thousand rupees, if you do not miss this opportunity – Info

Your base card will earn 30 thousand rupees, if you do not miss this opportunity

Your base card will earn 30 thousand rupees, if you do not miss this opportunity

If you have a support card you have the best chance to win at home for 30 thousand rupees.  The organization issuing a support card, UIDAI, has started a special concert.  The last date for participation in this contest is July 8.  That means you have now left counting days to win 30 thousand rupees.  However, it will have to comply with some conditions.

 In fact, UIDAI has started My Aadhaar Online Contex in the past few days.  To participate in this contest you will need to create an animated tutorial video from one of the support services.  These videos should be between 30 and 120 seconds.  The service you are creating tutorials should be easily explained in the animated video.

 The important thing is that you can make this video in Hindi or English.  You can upload your video to YouTube, Google Drive or other video sharing platform.  You can send a link to the UIDAI email at

 In this contest, 48 winners of UIDAI will be selected.  There are a total of 15 categories for cash prizes and each …

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