Maharshi Charak Samhita all Ayurveda info book pdf

Maharshi Charak Samhita all Ayurveda info book pdf

Charak Samhita is a famous book which gives a very detailed introduction to the subject of Ayurveda of Hinduism. This book is written in Sanskrit language. The preacher of this scripture is Atriputra Punarvasu, the author is Agnivesh and the antithetical Maharshi Charak.

introduction to the subject of Ayurveda

Acharya Charak is famous all over the world for his invaluable contribution in ancient art and science of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a medical science and a way of life that was developed during the time of ancient India. Maharshi Charak is world famous for writing “Charak Samhita”. Charak, known as a native of Kashmir, is considered to be the father of Ayurveda.

image source: Avakarnews

Maharshi Charak was the first person to advocate the English proverb “Prevention is better than cure” i.e. “Prevention is better than cure”. The following statement is dedicated to Acharya Charak. A physician who goes deep into a patient’s body with the lamp of his knowledge and does not understand the root cause of the disease can never eradicate the patient’s disease. He should first study all the factors related to the disease of the patient, the first of which is the environment, he should be treated only after his study. It is more important to prevent the root cause than to treat the disease. Apart from this, Maharshi Charak’s contribution in physiology, pathology and embryology is also widely considered.

It is known from the study of ancient times that at that time the scripture or system was formed under the name of branch. As Kathopanishad has become in Kath branch. Branches or Charan was the university of the time, where many subjects were studied. Therefore, it is possible that the Charaksamhita was transcended in the Charaka branch.

There are three main names in Indian medicine – Charak, Sushruta and Vagbhatt. Just as the name Charak is the Charak Samhita, so is the name Sushruta the Sushruta Samhita. The Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vagbhatt’s Ashtanga collection are still the standard texts of Indian medical science today. The authenticity and relevance of these texts can be inferred from the fact that even the physicians of the medical system themselves do not know the names of the books of the then Greek and Roman medical systems. This book is still part of the curriculum today.

Creation time

Some words of Pali literature are found in Charaksamhita, such as Avakranti, Jentak, Bhangodan, Khuddak, Bhootdhatri. From this matter the period of teaching of Charaka Samhita is fixed after Upanishads and before Buddha. It is believed that the transmigration of this scripture took place in the time of Kanishka around the time of 6 AD.

The Chinese translation of the Tripitaka mentions Charak as Kanishka’s royal physician, but Kanishka was a Buddhist and his poet Ashwaghosh was also a Buddhist, but the Charak Samhita strongly refutes Buddhism. Therefore, the relationship between Charak and Kanishka seems to be not only ambiguous but also impossible. It is difficult to settle on any vote in the absence of adequate proportions.

Organization of Charak Samhita

Acharya Charak was an ardent scholar of Ayurveda. He compiled the main texts of Ayurveda and the knowledge of Ayurveda. Charak Muni traveled and held meetings with all the physicians, gathered ideas and formulated theories and made them suitable for reading and writing. The Charak Samhita Granth is divided into eight parts and contains a total of 150 chapters. The Charak Samhita contains all the principles of Ayurveda and what is not in this scripture is not in any other literature. This book is considered to be the complete book of the principles of Ayurveda.


According to the Charak tradition, Ayurveda has six science schools which were founded by the disciples of Rishi Punarvashu Atreya. Each of the disciples wrote the Agnivesh, Bhela, Jatukaranan, Parashar, Harita and Ksharapani Samhita, but the Samhita made by Agnivesh is considered the best of them all. This Agnivesh Samhita was later revised by Maharshi Charak, which is read today as “Charak Samhita”. The Charak Samhita was further amended by Dridhabala.

The main 9 sections of Charak Samhita are as follows:

1. Formula location

2. Diagnosis location

3. Viman location

4. Body location

5. Sense location

6. Medical location

7. Aeon location

8. Place of achievement

Thus the book had 6 main chapters in which there were 150 sub-chapters and all together 15000 verses and 3000 medicines were described. Treatments were shown for diseases related to almost every part of the human body, not all drugs and no chemicals were used in the treatment. All diseases were cured by natural elements and plants.

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